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Article: iBackDoor: High-risk Code Sneaks into the App Store - published over 9 years ago.
Content: The library embeds backdoors in unsuspecting apps that make use of it to display ads, exposing sensitive data and functionality. The backdoors can be controlled remotely by loading JavaScript code from remote servers to perform the following actions: Capture audio and screenshots. Monitor and upload device location. Read/delete/create/modify file...   
Published: 2015 10 26 13:51:00
Received: 2022 05 23 16:06:46
Feed: FireEye Blog
Source: FireEye Blog
Category: Cyber Security
Topic: Cyber Security
Article: iBackDoor: High-risk Code Sneaks into the App Store - published over 9 years ago.
Content: The library embeds backdoors in unsuspecting apps that make use of it to display ads, exposing sensitive data and functionality. The backdoors can be controlled remotely by loading JavaScript code from remote servers to perform the following actions: Capture audio and screenshots. Monitor and upload device location. Read/delete/create/modify file...   
Published: 2015 10 26 13:51:00
Received: 2022 05 23 16:06:46
Feed: FireEye Blog
Source: FireEye Blog
Category: Cyber Security
Topic: Cyber Security
Article: Oracle Critical Patch Update Advisory - October 2015 - published over 9 years ago.
Published: 2015 10 20 19:30:54
Received: 2021 06 06 09:03:27
Feed: Oracle Security Alerts
Source: Oracle Security Alerts
Category: Alerts
Topic: Vulnerabilities
Article: Oracle Critical Patch Update Advisory - October 2015 - published over 9 years ago.
Published: 2015 10 20 19:30:54
Received: 2021 06 06 09:03:27
Feed: Oracle Security Alerts
Source: Oracle Security Alerts
Category: Alerts
Topic: Vulnerabilities
Cyber Tzar Free Score Certificate
Cyber Tzar Free Score Certificate
Cyber Tzar Free Score Certificate
Cyber Tzar Free Score Certificate
Article: Simple Method To Bypass Cloudflare - published over 9 years ago.
Content: I get asked this question a lot so I thought I'd finally publish my response here for the sake of everyone. Cloudflare is the name of a company who provide DDoS protection to websites. They do this by basically filtering out the attack traffic from legitimate traffic so your site remains unaffected. They do this by inserting a proxy between your website and ...   
Published: 2015 10 20 16:54:00
Received: 2023 03 31 23:02:32
Feed: Trojan7Malware
Source: Trojan7Malware
Category: Cyber Security
Topic: Cyber Security
Article: Simple Method To Bypass Cloudflare - published over 9 years ago.
Content: I get asked this question a lot so I thought I'd finally publish my response here for the sake of everyone. Cloudflare is the name of a company who provide DDoS protection to websites. They do this by basically filtering out the attack traffic from legitimate traffic so your site remains unaffected. They do this by inserting a proxy between your website and ...   
Published: 2015 10 20 16:54:00
Received: 2023 03 31 23:02:32
Feed: Trojan7Malware
Source: Trojan7Malware
Category: Cyber Security
Topic: Cyber Security
Article: [IRCCloud] History and Another XSS Bug Bounty - published over 9 years ago.
Content: Personally, I have been a user of IRC since 2004 on some private networks and some other well-known ones such as Freenode. However, it was always inconvenient to have to set up an IRC Bouncer, so when IRCCloud came around, I was excited to try it and see if it provided me with a method of staying connected to all the required networks without having to downl...   
Published: 2015 10 14 10:50:15
Received: 2021 06 06 09:04:46
Feed: Pentura Labs's Blog
Source: Pentura Labs's Blog
Category: Cyber Security
Topic: Cyber Security
Article: [IRCCloud] History and Another XSS Bug Bounty - published over 9 years ago.
Content: Personally, I have been a user of IRC since 2004 on some private networks and some other well-known ones such as Freenode. However, it was always inconvenient to have to set up an IRC Bouncer, so when IRCCloud came around, I was excited to try it and see if it provided me with a method of staying connected to all the required networks without having to downl...   
Published: 2015 10 14 10:50:15
Received: 2021 06 06 09:04:46
Feed: Pentura Labs's Blog
Source: Pentura Labs's Blog
Category: Cyber Security
Topic: Cyber Security
Cyber Tzar Score Summary
Cyber Tzar Score Summary
Article: 2960358 - Update for Disabling RC4 in .NET TLS - Version: 2.0 - published over 9 years ago.
Content: Revision Note: V2.0 (October 13, 2015): Advisory revised to broaden the affected software list to include Windows 10 systems that are running .NET Framework 3.5 applications and systems with .NET Framework 4.6 installed that are running .NET Framework 4.5/4.5.1/4.5.2 applications, and to provide customers running these configurations with steps for manually ...   
Published: 2015 10 13 17:00:00
Received: 2022 04 14 18:03:36
Feed: Latest Security Advisories
Source: Latest Security Advisories
Category: Alerts
Topic: Vulnerabilities
Article: 2960358 - Update for Disabling RC4 in .NET TLS - Version: 2.0 - published over 9 years ago.
Content: Revision Note: V2.0 (October 13, 2015): Advisory revised to broaden the affected software list to include Windows 10 systems that are running .NET Framework 3.5 applications and systems with .NET Framework 4.6 installed that are running .NET Framework 4.5/4.5.1/4.5.2 applications, and to provide customers running these configurations with steps for manually ...   
Published: 2015 10 13 17:00:00
Received: 2022 04 14 18:03:36
Feed: Latest Security Advisories
Source: Latest Security Advisories
Category: Alerts
Topic: Vulnerabilities
Article: 3097966 - Inadvertently Disclosed Digital Certificates Could Allow Spoofing - Version: 2.0 - published over 9 years ago.
Content: Revision Note: V2.0 (October 13, 2015): Advisory revised to notify customers that an update is available that modifies the Code Integrity component in Windows to extend trust removal for the four digital certificates addressed by this advisory to also preclude kernel-mode code signing.Summary: Microsoft is aware of four digital certificates that were inadver...   
Published: 2015 10 13 17:00:00
Received: 2022 04 14 18:03:36
Feed: Latest Security Advisories
Source: Latest Security Advisories
Category: Alerts
Topic: Vulnerabilities
Article: 3097966 - Inadvertently Disclosed Digital Certificates Could Allow Spoofing - Version: 2.0 - published over 9 years ago.
Content: Revision Note: V2.0 (October 13, 2015): Advisory revised to notify customers that an update is available that modifies the Code Integrity component in Windows to extend trust removal for the four digital certificates addressed by this advisory to also preclude kernel-mode code signing.Summary: Microsoft is aware of four digital certificates that were inadver...   
Published: 2015 10 13 17:00:00
Received: 2022 04 14 18:03:36
Feed: Latest Security Advisories
Source: Latest Security Advisories
Category: Alerts
Topic: Vulnerabilities
Cyber Tzar Your Score Explained
Cyber Tzar Your Score Explained
Article: 3042058 - Update to Default Cipher Suite Priority Order - Version: 1.1 - published over 9 years ago.
Content: Revision Note: V1.1 (October 13, 2015): Advisory revised to announce that the Default Cipher Suite Prioritization update (3042058), originally released May 12, 2015 via the Microsoft Download Center (DLC) only, is now also available via Microsoft Update (MU) and Windows Server Update Services (WSUS). This is an update offering venue change only. There were n...   
Published: 2015 10 13 17:00:00
Received: 2022 04 14 18:03:36
Feed: Latest Security Advisories
Source: Latest Security Advisories
Category: Alerts
Topic: Vulnerabilities
Article: 3042058 - Update to Default Cipher Suite Priority Order - Version: 1.1 - published over 9 years ago.
Content: Revision Note: V1.1 (October 13, 2015): Advisory revised to announce that the Default Cipher Suite Prioritization update (3042058), originally released May 12, 2015 via the Microsoft Download Center (DLC) only, is now also available via Microsoft Update (MU) and Windows Server Update Services (WSUS). This is an update offering venue change only. There were n...   
Published: 2015 10 13 17:00:00
Received: 2022 04 14 18:03:36
Feed: Latest Security Advisories
Source: Latest Security Advisories
Category: Alerts
Topic: Vulnerabilities
Cyber Tzar Gold Score Certificate
Cyber Tzar Gold Score Certificate
Cyber Tzar Your Score Explained
Cyber Tzar Your Score Explained
Article: How to become a pentester - published over 9 years ago.
Published: 2015 10 13 12:30:35
Received: 2023 01 18 09:44:47
Feed: Corelan Team
Source: Corelan Team
Category: News
Topic: Hacking
Article: How to become a pentester - published over 9 years ago.
Published: 2015 10 13 12:30:35
Received: 2023 01 18 09:44:47
Feed: Corelan Team
Source: Corelan Team
Category: News
Topic: Hacking
Article: [IRCCloud] Inadequate input validation on API endpoint leading to self denial of service and increased system load - published over 9 years ago.
Content: So as you do, I was just looking around, manually fuzzing some Web Sockets requests, seeing if I could get any sort of XSS, Remote IRC Command Injection or SQLi mainly – ended up that I didn’t find much there that worse worth noting. So I started seeing if their logic was all alright, so one of their requests looked similar to: {“_reqid”:1234, “cid”:5678, “t...   
Published: 2015 10 13 12:04:47
Received: 2021 06 06 09:04:46
Feed: Pentura Labs's Blog
Source: Pentura Labs's Blog
Category: Cyber Security
Topic: Cyber Security
Article: [IRCCloud] Inadequate input validation on API endpoint leading to self denial of service and increased system load - published over 9 years ago.
Content: So as you do, I was just looking around, manually fuzzing some Web Sockets requests, seeing if I could get any sort of XSS, Remote IRC Command Injection or SQLi mainly – ended up that I didn’t find much there that worse worth noting. So I started seeing if their logic was all alright, so one of their requests looked similar to: {“_reqid”:1234, “cid”:5678, “t...   
Published: 2015 10 13 12:04:47
Received: 2021 06 06 09:04:46
Feed: Pentura Labs's Blog
Source: Pentura Labs's Blog
Category: Cyber Security
Topic: Cyber Security
Cyber Tzar Score Analysis
Cyber Tzar Score Analysis
Cyber Tzar Gold Score Certificate
Cyber Tzar Gold Score Certificate

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Total Articles in this collection: 12

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