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Ordered by Date Published : Year: "2021" Month: "04" Day: "13" Hour: "15"
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Article: New Book! The Best of TaoSecurity Blog, Volume 4 - published almost 4 years ago.
Content:  I've completed the TaoSecurity Blog book series.The new book is The Best of TaoSecurity Blog, Volume 4: Beyond the Blog with Articles, Testimony, and Scholarship. It's available now for Kindle, and I'm working on the print edition. I'm running a 50% off promo on Volumes 1-3 on Kindle through midnight 20 April. Take advantage before the prices go back up.I d...   
Published: 2021 04 13 15:00:00
Received: 2024 03 14 12:46:07
Feed: TaoSecurity
Source: TaoSecurity
Category: Cyber Security
Topic: Cyber Security
Article: New Book! The Best of TaoSecurity Blog, Volume 4 - published almost 4 years ago.
Content:  I've completed the TaoSecurity Blog book series.The new book is The Best of TaoSecurity Blog, Volume 4: Beyond the Blog with Articles, Testimony, and Scholarship. It's available now for Kindle, and I'm working on the print edition. I'm running a 50% off promo on Volumes 1-3 on Kindle through midnight 20 April. Take advantage before the prices go back up.I d...   
Published: 2021 04 13 15:00:00
Received: 2024 03 14 12:46:07
Feed: TaoSecurity
Source: TaoSecurity
Category: Cyber Security
Topic: Cyber Security
Article: Hacking Operational Technology for Defense: Lessons Learned From OT Red Teaming Smart Meter Control Infrastructure - published almost 4 years ago.
Content: High-profile security incidents in the past decade have brought increased scrutiny to cyber security for operational technology (OT). However, there is a continued perception across critical infrastructure organizations that OT networks are isolated from public networks—such as the Internet. In Mandiant’s experience, the concept of an ‘air gap’ sep...   
Published: 2021 04 13 15:00:00
Received: 2021 06 06 09:05:11
Feed: FireEye Blog
Source: FireEye Blog
Category: Cyber Security
Topic: Cyber Security
Article: Hacking Operational Technology for Defense: Lessons Learned From OT Red Teaming Smart Meter Control Infrastructure - published almost 4 years ago.
Content: High-profile security incidents in the past decade have brought increased scrutiny to cyber security for operational technology (OT). However, there is a continued perception across critical infrastructure organizations that OT networks are isolated from public networks—such as the Internet. In Mandiant’s experience, the concept of an ‘air gap’ sep...   
Published: 2021 04 13 15:00:00
Received: 2021 06 06 09:05:11
Feed: FireEye Blog
Source: FireEye Blog
Category: Cyber Security
Topic: Cyber Security
Cyber Tzar Free Score Certificate
Cyber Tzar Free Score Certificate
Article: New Book! The Best of TaoSecurity Blog, Volume 4 - published almost 4 years ago.
Content:  I've completed the TaoSecurity Blog book series.The new book is The Best of TaoSecurity Blog, Volume 4: Beyond the Blog with Articles, Testimony, and Scholarship. It's available now for Kindle, and I'm working on the print edition. I'm running a 50% off promo on Volumes 1-3 on Kindle through midnight 20 April. Take advantage before the prices go back up.I d...   
Published: 2021 04 13 15:00:00
Received: 2021 06 06 09:05:05
Feed: TaoSecurity
Source: TaoSecurity
Category: Cyber Security
Topic: Cyber Security
Article: New Book! The Best of TaoSecurity Blog, Volume 4 - published almost 4 years ago.
Content:  I've completed the TaoSecurity Blog book series.The new book is The Best of TaoSecurity Blog, Volume 4: Beyond the Blog with Articles, Testimony, and Scholarship. It's available now for Kindle, and I'm working on the print edition. I'm running a 50% off promo on Volumes 1-3 on Kindle through midnight 20 April. Take advantage before the prices go back up.I d...   
Published: 2021 04 13 15:00:00
Received: 2021 06 06 09:05:05
Feed: TaoSecurity
Source: TaoSecurity
Category: Cyber Security
Topic: Cyber Security
Cyber Tzar Score Summary
Cyber Tzar Score Summary
Cyber Tzar Free Score Certificate
Cyber Tzar Free Score Certificate

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