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Ordered by Date Received : Year: "2023" Month: "01" Day: "20" Hour: "08"
Page: 1 (of 0)

Total Articles in this collection: 22

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Article: Phishing and ransomware amongst biggest threats to charity sector - published about 2 years ago.
Published: 2023 01 20 00:00:00
Received: 2023 01 20 08:41:01
Feed: NCSC – All Feeds
Source: National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC)
Category: All
Topic: Cyber Security
Article: Phishing and ransomware amongst biggest threats to charity sector - published about 2 years ago.
Published: 2023 01 20 00:00:00
Received: 2023 01 20 08:41:01
Feed: NCSC – All Feeds
Source: National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC)
Category: All
Topic: Cyber Security
Article: Positive Technologies и Swordfish Security сообщают о партнерстве в сфере application security - published about 2 years ago.
Content: Одна из целей партнерства — создать лучшие практики DevSecOps, которые позволят отечественным компаниям не только выявлять бреши в программном ...   
Published: 2023 01 19 14:54:37
Received: 2023 01 20 08:28:34
Feed: Google Alert - devsecops
Source: Google Alert
Category: News
Topic: DevSecOps
Article: Positive Technologies и Swordfish Security сообщают о партнерстве в сфере application security - published about 2 years ago.
Content: Одна из целей партнерства — создать лучшие практики DevSecOps, которые позволят отечественным компаниям не только выявлять бреши в программном ...   
Published: 2023 01 19 14:54:37
Received: 2023 01 20 08:28:34
Feed: Google Alert - devsecops
Source: Google Alert
Category: News
Topic: DevSecOps
Cyber Tzar Free Score Certificate
Cyber Tzar Free Score Certificate
Cyber Tzar Free Score Certificate
Cyber Tzar Free Score Certificate
Article: Arrow et Synopsys signent un accord de distribution paneuropéen - Global Security Mag - published about 2 years ago.
Content: Arrow revendra et fournira les solutions et services de Synopsys, les intégrera dans les flux de travail DevSecOps et contribuera à garantir une ...   
Published: 2023 01 19 21:36:46
Received: 2023 01 20 08:28:34
Feed: Google Alert - devsecops
Source: Google Alert
Category: News
Topic: DevSecOps
Article: Arrow et Synopsys signent un accord de distribution paneuropéen - Global Security Mag - published about 2 years ago.
Content: Arrow revendra et fournira les solutions et services de Synopsys, les intégrera dans les flux de travail DevSecOps et contribuera à garantir une ...   
Published: 2023 01 19 21:36:46
Received: 2023 01 20 08:28:34
Feed: Google Alert - devsecops
Source: Google Alert
Category: News
Topic: DevSecOps
Article: Healthcare Cyberattacks: 5 Factors For Staying Safe In 2023 - Forbes - published about 2 years ago.
Content: Meredith is the CEO of AutoRABIT, a leader in DevSecOps and data protection for regulated industries. Silhouette of male hand typing on laptop ...   
Published: 2023 01 19 22:33:25
Received: 2023 01 20 08:28:34
Feed: Google Alert - devsecops
Source: Google Alert
Category: News
Topic: DevSecOps
Article: Healthcare Cyberattacks: 5 Factors For Staying Safe In 2023 - Forbes - published about 2 years ago.
Content: Meredith is the CEO of AutoRABIT, a leader in DevSecOps and data protection for regulated industries. Silhouette of male hand typing on laptop ...   
Published: 2023 01 19 22:33:25
Received: 2023 01 20 08:28:34
Feed: Google Alert - devsecops
Source: Google Alert
Category: News
Topic: DevSecOps
Cyber Tzar Score Summary
Cyber Tzar Score Summary
Article: Progress przejmuje za 355 mln dol. - CRN - published about 2 years ago.
Content: Ponad połowa firm IT nie rozumie, jakie znaczenie ma ochrona danych w działaniach DevSecOps. Autor: Krzysztof Pasławski | Dodano: 2023-01-10 11:55 ...   
Published: 2023 01 19 22:43:59
Received: 2023 01 20 08:28:34
Feed: Google Alert - devsecops
Source: Google Alert
Category: News
Topic: DevSecOps
Article: Progress przejmuje za 355 mln dol. - CRN - published about 2 years ago.
Content: Ponad połowa firm IT nie rozumie, jakie znaczenie ma ochrona danych w działaniach DevSecOps. Autor: Krzysztof Pasławski | Dodano: 2023-01-10 11:55 ...   
Published: 2023 01 19 22:43:59
Received: 2023 01 20 08:28:34
Feed: Google Alert - devsecops
Source: Google Alert
Category: News
Topic: DevSecOps
Cyber Tzar Your Score Explained
Cyber Tzar Your Score Explained
Article: Ransomware attacks remain the most acute threat to organisations - published about 2 years ago.
Content: DevSecOps is an important strategy that includes automated security at every phase of software development. It includes making application and ...   
Published: 2023 01 19 23:55:04
Received: 2023 01 20 08:28:34
Feed: Google Alert - devsecops
Source: Google Alert
Category: News
Topic: DevSecOps
Article: Ransomware attacks remain the most acute threat to organisations - published about 2 years ago.
Content: DevSecOps is an important strategy that includes automated security at every phase of software development. It includes making application and ...   
Published: 2023 01 19 23:55:04
Received: 2023 01 20 08:28:34
Feed: Google Alert - devsecops
Source: Google Alert
Category: News
Topic: DevSecOps
Article: Recomendaciones para implementar PlanSecOps | Seguridad Inteligente - published about 2 years ago.
Content: Estandarización de la ciberseguridad federal con DevSecOps · gestion de datos - mundo - tendencias Desafíos comunes de la migración de datos.   
Published: 2023 01 20 00:08:35
Received: 2023 01 20 08:28:34
Feed: Google Alert - devsecops
Source: Google Alert
Category: News
Topic: DevSecOps
Article: Recomendaciones para implementar PlanSecOps | Seguridad Inteligente - published about 2 years ago.
Content: Estandarización de la ciberseguridad federal con DevSecOps · gestion de datos - mundo - tendencias Desafíos comunes de la migración de datos.   
Published: 2023 01 20 00:08:35
Received: 2023 01 20 08:28:34
Feed: Google Alert - devsecops
Source: Google Alert
Category: News
Topic: DevSecOps
Cyber Tzar Gold Score Certificate
Cyber Tzar Gold Score Certificate
Article: The Top 4 Threats to Securing Your Cloud Infrastructure - The New Stack - published about 2 years ago.
Content: DevOps may be happening, but DevSecOps often is not, which is hampering the industry's ability to make the cloud secure.   
Published: 2023 01 20 00:51:17
Received: 2023 01 20 08:28:34
Feed: Google Alert - devsecops
Source: Google Alert
Category: News
Topic: DevSecOps
Article: The Top 4 Threats to Securing Your Cloud Infrastructure - The New Stack - published about 2 years ago.
Content: DevOps may be happening, but DevSecOps often is not, which is hampering the industry's ability to make the cloud secure.   
Published: 2023 01 20 00:51:17
Received: 2023 01 20 08:28:34
Feed: Google Alert - devsecops
Source: Google Alert
Category: News
Topic: DevSecOps
Cyber Tzar Score Analysis
Cyber Tzar Score Analysis
Cyber Tzar Your Score Explained
Cyber Tzar Your Score Explained
Article: ThreatModeler First to Democratize DevSecOps with Launch of Threat Model Marketplace - published about 2 years ago.
Content: ThreatModeler First to Democratize DevSecOps with Launch of Threat Model Marketplace · Pre-built, vetted threat models are now available to kick-start ...   
Published: 2023 01 20 01:13:53
Received: 2023 01 20 08:28:34
Feed: Google Alert - devsecops
Source: Google Alert
Category: News
Topic: DevSecOps
Article: ThreatModeler First to Democratize DevSecOps with Launch of Threat Model Marketplace - published about 2 years ago.
Content: ThreatModeler First to Democratize DevSecOps with Launch of Threat Model Marketplace · Pre-built, vetted threat models are now available to kick-start ...   
Published: 2023 01 20 01:13:53
Received: 2023 01 20 08:28:34
Feed: Google Alert - devsecops
Source: Google Alert
Category: News
Topic: DevSecOps
Article: Иранские гос.учреждения подверглись атаке усовершенствованного бэкдора - published about 2 years ago.
Content: Услуги ориентированы на крупных корпоративных клиентов, которые стремятся внедрить концепцию DevSecOps. «Партнерство со Swordfish Security в части ...   
Published: 2023 01 20 01:44:14
Received: 2023 01 20 08:28:34
Feed: Google Alert - devsecops
Source: Google Alert
Category: News
Topic: DevSecOps
Article: Иранские гос.учреждения подверглись атаке усовершенствованного бэкдора - published about 2 years ago.
Content: Услуги ориентированы на крупных корпоративных клиентов, которые стремятся внедрить концепцию DevSecOps. «Партнерство со Swordfish Security в части ...   
Published: 2023 01 20 01:44:14
Received: 2023 01 20 08:28:34
Feed: Google Alert - devsecops
Source: Google Alert
Category: News
Topic: DevSecOps
Cyber Tzar Risk Impact Distribution
Cyber Tzar Risk Impact Distribution
Article: Threat Model Marketplace aims to make DevSecOps more accessible | SC Media - published about 2 years ago.
Content: ThreatModeler launched the Threat Model Marketplace, a cybersecurity asset marketplace the will offer developers pre-built, field tested threat ...   
Published: 2023 01 20 04:00:59
Received: 2023 01 20 08:28:34
Feed: Google Alert - devsecops
Source: Google Alert
Category: News
Topic: DevSecOps
Article: Threat Model Marketplace aims to make DevSecOps more accessible | SC Media - published about 2 years ago.
Content: ThreatModeler launched the Threat Model Marketplace, a cybersecurity asset marketplace the will offer developers pre-built, field tested threat ...   
Published: 2023 01 20 04:00:59
Received: 2023 01 20 08:28:34
Feed: Google Alert - devsecops
Source: Google Alert
Category: News
Topic: DevSecOps
Cyber Tzar Risk Impact Assesment
Cyber Tzar Risk Impact Assesment
Cyber Tzar Gold Score Certificate
Cyber Tzar Gold Score Certificate
Article: devsecops 시장 2022 비즈니스 전략, 예상 성장, 점유율, 상위 제조업체, 서비스, 산업 수직 및 ... - published about 2 years ago.
Content: devsecops 연구에서는 세계 경제에 중요한 것으로 보이는 부서의 광범위한 산업 하위 부문이 고려되었습니다. 또한 devsecops 업계 조사는 해외 회사에 영향 ...   
Published: 2023 01 20 04:24:50
Received: 2023 01 20 08:28:34
Feed: Google Alert - devsecops
Source: Google Alert
Category: News
Topic: DevSecOps
Article: devsecops 시장 2022 비즈니스 전략, 예상 성장, 점유율, 상위 제조업체, 서비스, 산업 수직 및 ... - published about 2 years ago.
Content: devsecops 연구에서는 세계 경제에 중요한 것으로 보이는 부서의 광범위한 산업 하위 부문이 고려되었습니다. 또한 devsecops 업계 조사는 해외 회사에 영향 ...   
Published: 2023 01 20 04:24:50
Received: 2023 01 20 08:28:34
Feed: Google Alert - devsecops
Source: Google Alert
Category: News
Topic: DevSecOps
Article: ThreatModeler Makes DevSecOps More Accessible With New Marketplace - published about 2 years ago.
Content: This new platform aims to make DevSecOps more accessible for businesses of all sizes. The marketplace includes pre-built threat models that can be ...   
Published: 2023 01 20 05:17:42
Received: 2023 01 20 08:28:34
Feed: Google Alert - devsecops
Source: Google Alert
Category: News
Topic: DevSecOps
Article: ThreatModeler Makes DevSecOps More Accessible With New Marketplace - published about 2 years ago.
Content: This new platform aims to make DevSecOps more accessible for businesses of all sizes. The marketplace includes pre-built threat models that can be ...   
Published: 2023 01 20 05:17:42
Received: 2023 01 20 08:28:34
Feed: Google Alert - devsecops
Source: Google Alert
Category: News
Topic: DevSecOps
Cyber Tzar Your Score Explained
Cyber Tzar Your Score Explained
Article: MoD plans Information Activities Programme for Army - UKAuthority - published about 2 years ago.
Content: ... saying it will need to provide a DevSecOps team to develop and maintain bespoke applications and integrate them with commercial off-the-shelf ...   
Published: 2023 01 20 06:08:11
Received: 2023 01 20 08:28:34
Feed: Google Alert - devsecops
Source: Google Alert
Category: News
Topic: DevSecOps
Article: MoD plans Information Activities Programme for Army - UKAuthority - published about 2 years ago.
Content: ... saying it will need to provide a DevSecOps team to develop and maintain bespoke applications and integrate them with commercial off-the-shelf ...   
Published: 2023 01 20 06:08:11
Received: 2023 01 20 08:28:34
Feed: Google Alert - devsecops
Source: Google Alert
Category: News
Topic: DevSecOps
Cyber Tzar Risk Groups Explained
Cyber Tzar Risk Groups Explained
Cyber Tzar Score Analysis
Cyber Tzar Score Analysis
Article: DevSecOps 시장은 여전히 성장할 여지가 있습니다 | 떠오르는 플레이어 - 한국관광협회중앙회 - published about 2 years ago.
Content: DevSecOps 시장은 2022-2030년 예측 기간 동안 엄청난 성장을 목격하게 될 것입니다. 이 인텔리전스 보고서는 시장 규모, 점유율, 성장, 기회, 경쟁 환경, ...   
Published: 2023 01 20 06:15:04
Received: 2023 01 20 08:28:33
Feed: Google Alert - devsecops
Source: Google Alert
Category: News
Topic: DevSecOps
Article: DevSecOps 시장은 여전히 성장할 여지가 있습니다 | 떠오르는 플레이어 - 한국관광협회중앙회 - published about 2 years ago.
Content: DevSecOps 시장은 2022-2030년 예측 기간 동안 엄청난 성장을 목격하게 될 것입니다. 이 인텔리전스 보고서는 시장 규모, 점유율, 성장, 기회, 경쟁 환경, ...   
Published: 2023 01 20 06:15:04
Received: 2023 01 20 08:28:33
Feed: Google Alert - devsecops
Source: Google Alert
Category: News
Topic: DevSecOps
Article: Why is Cybersecurity crucial to the Fintech sector? - Security Boulevard - published about 2 years ago.
Content: DevSecOps greatly facilitates a secure financial application's development. The key component of this idea is cybersecurity, coupled with other ...   
Published: 2023 01 20 06:43:48
Received: 2023 01 20 08:28:33
Feed: Google Alert - devsecops
Source: Google Alert
Category: News
Topic: DevSecOps
Article: Why is Cybersecurity crucial to the Fintech sector? - Security Boulevard - published about 2 years ago.
Content: DevSecOps greatly facilitates a secure financial application's development. The key component of this idea is cybersecurity, coupled with other ...   
Published: 2023 01 20 06:43:48
Received: 2023 01 20 08:28:33
Feed: Google Alert - devsecops
Source: Google Alert
Category: News
Topic: DevSecOps
Cyber Tzar Change Over Time (Extended)
Cyber Tzar Change Over Time (Extended)
Article: Google pays hacker duo $22k in bug bounties for flaws in multiple cloud projects - published about 2 years ago.
Content: View all bug bounty news · Bug Bounty Radar. The latest programs for January 2023. Bug bounties · DevSecOps Security best practices Dev stack tech.   
Published: 2023 01 20 08:10:05
Received: 2023 01 20 08:28:33
Feed: Google Alert - devsecops
Source: Google Alert
Category: News
Topic: DevSecOps
Article: Google pays hacker duo $22k in bug bounties for flaws in multiple cloud projects - published about 2 years ago.
Content: View all bug bounty news · Bug Bounty Radar. The latest programs for January 2023. Bug bounties · DevSecOps Security best practices Dev stack tech.   
Published: 2023 01 20 08:10:05
Received: 2023 01 20 08:28:33
Feed: Google Alert - devsecops
Source: Google Alert
Category: News
Topic: DevSecOps
Cyber Tzar Change Over Time (Extended)
Cyber Tzar Change Over Time (Extended)
Article: New Chinese Malware Spotted Exploiting Recent Fortinet Firewall Vulnerability - published about 2 years ago.
Published: 2023 01 20 06:59:00
Received: 2023 01 20 08:03:39
Feed: The Hacker News
Source: The Hacker News
Category: News
Topic: Cyber Security
Article: New Chinese Malware Spotted Exploiting Recent Fortinet Firewall Vulnerability - published about 2 years ago.
Published: 2023 01 20 06:59:00
Received: 2023 01 20 08:03:39
Feed: The Hacker News
Source: The Hacker News
Category: News
Topic: Cyber Security
Article: Nikesh Arora Emphasises The Need To Tighten Cyber Security In A Digital World - published about 2 years ago.
Content: Nikesh Arora Emphasises The Need To Tighten Cyber Security In A Digital World. BusinessToday.In. New Delhi ,; Jan 20, 2023,; Updated Jan 20, 2023, ...   
Published: 2023 01 20 07:51:01
Received: 2023 01 20 08:03:17
Feed: Google Alert – "cyber security"
Source: Google Alert
Category: News
Topic: Cyber Security
Article: Nikesh Arora Emphasises The Need To Tighten Cyber Security In A Digital World - published about 2 years ago.
Content: Nikesh Arora Emphasises The Need To Tighten Cyber Security In A Digital World. BusinessToday.In. New Delhi ,; Jan 20, 2023,; Updated Jan 20, 2023, ...   
Published: 2023 01 20 07:51:01
Received: 2023 01 20 08:03:17
Feed: Google Alert – "cyber security"
Source: Google Alert
Category: News
Topic: Cyber Security
Cyber Tzar Change Over Time (Extended)
Cyber Tzar Change Over Time (Extended)
Article: New Chinese Malware Spotted Exploiting Recent Fortinet Firewall Vulnerability - published about 2 years ago.
Published: 2023 01 20 06:59:00
Received: 2023 01 20 08:02:06
Feed: The Hacker News [ THN ] - Best Security Blog
Source: The Hacker News [ THN ] - Best Security Blog
Category: Cyber Security
Topic: Cyber Security
Article: New Chinese Malware Spotted Exploiting Recent Fortinet Firewall Vulnerability - published about 2 years ago.
Published: 2023 01 20 06:59:00
Received: 2023 01 20 08:02:06
Feed: The Hacker News [ THN ] - Best Security Blog
Source: The Hacker News [ THN ] - Best Security Blog
Category: Cyber Security
Topic: Cyber Security
Cyber Tzar Change Over Time (Extended)
Cyber Tzar Change Over Time (Extended)
Cyber Tzar Risk Impact Assesment
Cyber Tzar Risk Impact Assesment
Article: Weekly Update 331 - published about 2 years ago.
Content: Presently sponsored by: CrowdSec - Gain crowd-sourced protection against malicious IPs and benefit from the most accurate CTI in the world. Get started for free.Well and truly back into the swing of things in the new year, I think what I've found most satisfying this week is to sit down and pump out a decent blog post on something technical. It's an itch I j...   
Published: 2023 01 20 07:22:13
Received: 2023 01 20 08:01:21
Feed: Troy Hunt's Blog
Source: Troy Hunt's Blog
Category: Cyber Security
Topic: Cyber Security
Article: Weekly Update 331 - published about 2 years ago.
Content: Presently sponsored by: CrowdSec - Gain crowd-sourced protection against malicious IPs and benefit from the most accurate CTI in the world. Get started for free.Well and truly back into the swing of things in the new year, I think what I've found most satisfying this week is to sit down and pump out a decent blog post on something technical. It's an itch I j...   
Published: 2023 01 20 07:22:13
Received: 2023 01 20 08:01:21
Feed: Troy Hunt's Blog
Source: Troy Hunt's Blog
Category: Cyber Security
Topic: Cyber Security

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