Article: Heathrow security officers strike from March 31 - published almost 2 years ago. Content: Security officers at Heathrow Airport’s Terminal 5 are to take industrial action for 10 days from March 31 in a pay dispute. It is thought that 1,400 members of the uniuon Unite will walk out just as the schools break up for the Easter holidays. Workers at the terminal, which handles intenrnational flights to countries such as Isreal, the United State... Published: 2023 03 20 09:43:52 Received: 2023 03 20 09:47:09 Feed: Security Journal UK Source: Security Journal UK Category: Security Topic: Security |
Article: A beginner's guide to ChatGPT - published almost 2 years ago. Content: Everyone’s talking about ChatGPT, and the internet is full of examples of AI shaking up how we ask questions. It's a powerful technology, but to get the most out of it there are some things you need to consider... Firstly, let us consider what ChatGPT actually is. It’s an artificial intelligence technology called ‘large language models’ - or LLMs. This mean... Published: 2023 03 17 11:25:07 Received: 2023 03 20 09:25:33 Feed: The Cyber Resilience Centre for the East Midlands Source: National Cyber Resilience Centre Group Category: News Topic: Cyber Security |
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Article: Crypto Investment ‘Scam’ Defrauds Thousands Of Users - published almost 2 years ago. Content: Published: 2023 03 20 09:13:52 Received: 2023 03 20 09:24:08 Feed: Silicon UK – Security Source: Silicon UK Category: News Topic: Cyber Security |
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Article: Celebrating Honorary Doctorate of Technology, Awarded to Mandy Haeburn-Little - published about 2 years ago. Content: BRIM's focus for International Women's Day 2023 is the recently awarded Honorary Doctorate of Technology to Executive Chair, Mandy Haeburn-Little. International Women's Day is observed in a variety of ways around the world to celebrate and promote women's social, economic, and political achievements. Business Resilience International Management (BRIM), a fe... Published: 2023 03 06 15:59:19 Received: 2023 03 20 09:07:49 Feed: Business Resilience International Management Source: National Cyber Resilience Centre Group Category: News Topic: Cyber Security |
Article: BRIM Recognised as Data Trailblazer finalist in the 2023 Digital Tech awards - published almost 2 years ago. Content: BRIM is honoured to be recognised for its innovative use of data to enable law enforcement to expand engagement with small and medium-sized businesses to improve cyber resilience. Supporting the design and growth of a UK network of Cyber Resilience Centres for UK law enforcement, supported by the Home Office, BRIM has created and developed a unique tool tha... Published: 2023 03 10 16:53:20 Received: 2023 03 20 09:07:49 Feed: Business Resilience International Management Source: National Cyber Resilience Centre Group Category: News Topic: Cyber Security |
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Article: BRIM Founder Appointed as Vice-Chair of NCRCG National Ambassador Steering Group - published almost 2 years ago. Content: Dr. Haeburn-Little, the founder of BRIM, was recently appointed Vice-Chair of National CRC Group's National Ambassador Steering Group. As the Executive Chair of BRIM, Mandy will also coordinate and drive the Steering Group's five key activity streams. These workstreams, which will direct NCRCG's strategic outcomes, include increasing supply chain awareness... Published: 2023 03 15 17:08:50 Received: 2023 03 20 09:07:49 Feed: Business Resilience International Management Source: National Cyber Resilience Centre Group Category: News Topic: Cyber Security |
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Article: New cyber security service: First Step Website Assessment (FSWA) - published over 2 years ago. Content: The aim of the Cyber Resilience Centre for Wales is to help businesses become safer from cybercrime and we do this by making cyber security accessible and easy to understand. We are delighted to be able to launch another affordable cyber resilience service – the First Step Website Assessment.What is it? Our First Step Web Assessment is a health check for re... Published: 2022 10 28 16:27:39 Received: 2023 03 20 09:07:45 Feed: The Cyber Resilience Centre for Wales Source: National Cyber Resilience Centre Group Category: News Topic: Cyber Security |
Article: Manufacturers. Did you know most cyber-attacks are linked to your employees? - published almost 2 years ago. Content: Believe it or not, manufacturing took over from finance as the most cyber attacked sector in 2021 – almost a quarter of attacks were aimed against them, up from 18% in 2020. Many attacks are carried out by large and well-funded Organised crime groups supported by state actors. And the West’s overt support for Ukraine in the ongoing war in Europe is only li... Published: 2023 03 15 11:20:07 Received: 2023 03 20 09:07:39 Feed: The Eastern Cyber Resilience Centre Source: National Cyber Resilience Centre Group Category: News Topic: Cyber Security |
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Article: Securing Your Legal Firm’s Future: Free Government Funding for Cyber Essentials Plus - published almost 2 years ago. Content: The legal sector is an increasingly targeted industry for cyber attackers. This is due to the sensitive and confidential information that the industry handles, including client data, financial information, and legal documents. This information is highly valuable to cyber attackers, who can use it for financial gain or to carry out other malicious activities.... Published: 2023 03 16 00:00:00 Received: 2023 03 20 09:07:38 Feed: The Eastern Cyber Resilience Centre Source: National Cyber Resilience Centre Group Category: News Topic: Cyber Security |
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Article: THREAT ALERT: Microsoft Mitigates Outlook Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability - published almost 2 years ago. Content: March 14, 2023 Microsoft have strongly recommended for all customers to update Microsoft Outlook for Windows to remain secure. The following blog has been released by Microsoft after they discovered a critical vulnerability in Microsoft Outlook for Windows: SummaryMicrosoft Threat Intelligence discovered limited, targeted abuse of a vulnerability in Micro... Published: 2023 03 17 09:56:51 Received: 2023 03 20 09:07:38 Feed: The Eastern Cyber Resilience Centre Source: National Cyber Resilience Centre Group Category: News Topic: Cyber Security |
Article: Dark Web Criminals and Your Data - published about 2 years ago. Content: Dark Web Criminals Dark Web Criminals are Profiting from Your Data: Why Credentials are a Commodity and How to Keep Your Data from Being Traded and Sold. For most of us, the Dark Web is a mysterious world that we’ve all heard of but don’t understand. We know it’s a marketplace for illegal activities, and that it’s pretty scary, but as most of us don’t use it... Published: 2023 02 01 16:04:16 Received: 2023 03 20 09:07:34 Feed: The Cyber Resilience Centre for the South West Source: National Cyber Resilience Centre Group Category: News Topic: Cyber Security |
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Article: Cyber Security as Risk Management - published about 2 years ago. Content: Blog provided by our Trusted Partner PGI Many of our first conversations with our clients involve our cyber security consultants aiming to simplify things a bit. Cyber security shouldn’t be seen as hugely complicated or difficult. One of the ways we try and clarify client thinking is by starting with the idea that it helps to think of cyber security as bei... Published: 2023 02 27 10:27:34 Received: 2023 03 20 09:07:34 Feed: The Cyber Resilience Centre for the South West Source: National Cyber Resilience Centre Group Category: News Topic: Cyber Security |
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Article: Helping Graphcore with cyber guidance - published about 2 years ago. Content: One of our more impressive clients are Graphcore, a Bristol-based business that has created a new processor specifically designed for machine learning workloads. They’ve been trading for around seven years, and have become a multi, multi-million pound business at the forefront of technology. A real success story within the local economy, they now have office... Published: 2023 02 28 09:43:20 Received: 2023 03 20 09:07:34 Feed: The Cyber Resilience Centre for the South West Source: National Cyber Resilience Centre Group Category: News Topic: Cyber Security |
Article: Not for Profit organisations are losing millions, but it’s preventable - published about 2 years ago. Content: The ‘third sector’ has a problem. It doesn’t necessarily know that it has a problem, but it does and that problem is cyber security. Industry estimates suggest that the charity sector as a whole, loses millions every year and the real concern is that this figure is growing weekly, if not daily. Even the large charitable organisations out there have the s... Published: 2023 03 02 15:36:35 Received: 2023 03 20 09:07:34 Feed: The Cyber Resilience Centre for the South West Source: National Cyber Resilience Centre Group Category: News Topic: Cyber Security |
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Article: How do sole traders source cyber support? - published about 2 years ago. Content: For sole traders, it can be especially difficult to source cyber support. Despite the government statistics suggesting that over a third of micro businesses are attacked by cyber criminals each year, the cost and the complexity of cyber can make it hard to know where to start. Maria Newman runs “Maria Newman Coaching”. She helps the retired, the redundant an... Published: 2023 03 07 14:42:29 Received: 2023 03 20 09:07:34 Feed: The Cyber Resilience Centre for the South West Source: National Cyber Resilience Centre Group Category: News Topic: Cyber Security |
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Article: We're joining the South West Fraud Forum - published almost 2 years ago. Content: Sometimes, it’s nice to know that people are looking after you. SWCRC were fortunate to secure an invitation to the South West Fraud Forum, held at the rather spectacular Glass Wharf in Bristol. A very impressive group of professionals from leading banks, law firms and professional service organisations, they have come together on an altruistic basis to po... Published: 2023 03 14 08:56:33 Received: 2023 03 20 09:07:34 Feed: The Cyber Resilience Centre for the South West Source: National Cyber Resilience Centre Group Category: News Topic: Cyber Security |
Article: The Costs of a Cyber Attack - published almost 2 years ago. Content: Our Trusted Partner Protection Group International has written this helpful article on the costs of a cyber attack and how to prepare for an attack. We’re all used to articles citing eye-watering figures on what a data breach or ransomware attack can cost an organisation; typically figures ranging from thousands through to millions. But where does that mon... Published: 2023 03 14 09:07:46 Received: 2023 03 20 09:07:34 Feed: The Cyber Resilience Centre for the South West Source: National Cyber Resilience Centre Group Category: News Topic: Cyber Security |
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Article: Disaster Recovery - why you need a Service Catalogue - published almost 2 years ago. Content: Article written by our Trusted Partner Computer World Having an effective, documented and tested disaster recovery plan is one of the most important tools for any IT professional who manages server workloads for their organisation. This is because if things go wrong, you need to have a tried and tested approach to recovering workloads reliably, with a mini... Published: 2023 03 15 12:11:34 Received: 2023 03 20 09:07:34 Feed: The Cyber Resilience Centre for the South West Source: National Cyber Resilience Centre Group Category: News Topic: Cyber Security |
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Article: 5 ways to secure your website - published about 2 years ago. Content: In the UK, 31% of businesses reported being a victim of a cyber-attack at least once a week, this is no less of a nuisance or threat than having your home/business premises physically broken into. Now, if this was your home or business premises we are sure you wouldn't hesitate to protect them and improve their security, right? A business's website acts as ... Published: 2023 02 15 16:16:56 Received: 2023 03 20 09:07:29 Feed: Cyber Resilience Centre for the South East Source: National Cyber Resilience Centre Group Category: News Topic: Cyber Security |
Article: Protect your website today with our First Step Web Assessment - published almost 2 years ago. Content: As the threat posed by cybercriminals constantly changes, the need for updates in your website’s security is key. Website security is extremely important in order to protect all your online activities, sensitive data, and business from cyber-attacks. With 98% of UK businesses now operational online in one way or another, benefiting hugely from the use of we... Published: 2023 03 15 13:46:56 Received: 2023 03 20 09:07:28 Feed: Cyber Resilience Centre for the South East Source: National Cyber Resilience Centre Group Category: News Topic: Cyber Security |
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Article: Lexverify joins us as the latest Affiliate member of the WMCRC - published about 2 years ago. Content: We’re delighted to announce Cristian Gherhes, CEO of Lexverify Ltd, has joined us as the newest Business Affiliate Member for The Cyber Resilience Centre for the West Midlands. Lexverify is a UK pioneer in developing an AI-powered assistant that helps companies prevent legal and compliance risks on their electronic communication in real-time, saving them ... Published: 2023 02 21 11:18:54 Received: 2023 03 20 09:07:23 Feed: The Cyber Resilience Centre for the West Midlands Source: National Cyber Resilience Centre Group Category: News Topic: Cyber Security |
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Article: Introducing North Green - The latest Advisory Group Member for The WMCRC - published about 2 years ago. Content: The Cyber Resilience Centre for the West Midlands is pleased to announce our new Advisory Group member, Daniel Cannon at North Green Security. North Green Security are a UK-based cyber security training and consultancy company, that aim to provide a more secure future by ensuring more people can contribute to an ever-growing and evolving industry, and tha... Published: 2023 02 27 11:19:50 Received: 2023 03 20 09:07:23 Feed: The Cyber Resilience Centre for the West Midlands Source: National Cyber Resilience Centre Group Category: News Topic: Cyber Security |
Article: Are you a victim of cyber-attack? Here’s what you should do - published about 2 years ago. Content: Cyber-attacks can happen to any business, large or small. It’s important to have the right measures in place to protect yourself and your business from any malicious activity. This blog post will provide an overview of what to do if you find yourself the victim of a cyber-attack. Unplug the system from the network If you find yourself the victim of a cyber... Published: 2023 02 28 09:01:47 Received: 2023 03 20 09:07:23 Feed: The Cyber Resilience Centre for the West Midlands Source: National Cyber Resilience Centre Group Category: News Topic: Cyber Security |
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Article: 3 things you can action now to improve your cyber resilience - published almost 2 years ago. Content: In today's world, ,cyber attacks are becoming increasingly common, and individuals and businesses need to take steps to improve their cyber resilience. Cyber resilience is the ability to withstand, recover from, and adapt to ,cyber attacks. In this blog, we'll discuss three simple things you can do right now to improve your cyber resilience. Strengthen you... Published: 2023 03 16 15:25:34 Received: 2023 03 20 09:07:23 Feed: The Cyber Resilience Centre for the West Midlands Source: National Cyber Resilience Centre Group Category: News Topic: Cyber Security |
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Article: SEO Poisoning set to develop as a trend in 2023 - published about 2 years ago. Content: Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) Poisoning is growing to be a popular technique with an unusually large quantity of malicious campaigns being observed recently. SEO poisoning is an attack vector whereby threat actors manipulate SEO rankings to deliver malicious payloads. In an SEO Poisoning technique known as Malvertising, actors manipulate search engine ... Published: 2023 01 24 13:40:30 Received: 2023 03 20 09:07:20 Feed: The Cyber Resilience Centre for the East Midlands Source: National Cyber Resilience Centre Group Category: News Topic: Cyber Security |
Article: SMEs be aware: Twitter is changing its 2FA policy - published about 2 years ago. Content: Twitter is adjusting its two-factor authentication policy, a move which could impact small or micro businesses who don't have a social media team and who rely on the platform themselves to promote their business. Twitter officials have announced that SMS 2FA will be disabled for users that have not subscribed to Twitter Blue, but the platform is still offer... Published: 2023 02 27 15:06:17 Received: 2023 03 20 09:07:19 Feed: The Cyber Resilience Centre for the East Midlands Source: National Cyber Resilience Centre Group Category: News Topic: Cyber Security |
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Article: Beware of Facebook Business Account compromises - published about 2 years ago. Content: Do you have a Facebook page or group for your business? Because business pages frequently have a large number of followers, threat actors or cyber criminals are increasingly targeting them. And we don't 'like' that one bit! Cyber Protect Officers from the East Midlands Special Operations Unit (EMSOU) - whom we work closely with - have issued warnings about t... Published: 2023 03 02 12:19:58 Received: 2023 03 20 09:07:19 Feed: The Cyber Resilience Centre for the East Midlands Source: National Cyber Resilience Centre Group Category: News Topic: Cyber Security |
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Article: Zero-Click Malware eliminated in new Samsung tool - published about 2 years ago. Content: Samsung have introduced a new tool called Message Guard which includes safeguards designed to shield users from Malware and spyware originating in zero-click style attacks. The feature is accessible on Samsung and Google Messages and although currently only available on the newly-released Samsung S23 range, there are plans to roll it out across other Galaxy... Published: 2023 03 07 15:56:35 Received: 2023 03 20 09:07:18 Feed: The Cyber Resilience Centre for the East Midlands Source: National Cyber Resilience Centre Group Category: News Topic: Cyber Security |
Article: The most frequently asked questions about Cyber Essentials - published about 2 years ago. Content: Last month, we told you that we had achieved Cyber Essentials certification, demonstrating our commitment to cyber security. But what is Cyber Essentials? Do you need it? How much is it etc etc? In this blog we answer those questions…and many more. According to the National Cyber Security Centre, the number of Cyber Essentials certificates awarded to busines... Published: 2023 03 08 13:16:48 Received: 2023 03 20 09:07:18 Feed: The Cyber Resilience Centre for the East Midlands Source: National Cyber Resilience Centre Group Category: News Topic: Cyber Security |
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Article: Lloyds Banking Group invests in digital company - published almost 2 years ago. Content: Lloyds Banking Group has invested £10m in digital identity company, Yoti, who offer a range of digital identity services to help people and businesses to protect themselves online, including a free digital ID app. Digital IDs are a form of identification approved by the UK government for right to work, right to rent, and criminal records checks. Yoti's Digit... Published: 2023 03 10 13:21:49 Received: 2023 03 20 09:07:18 Feed: The Cyber Resilience Centre for the East Midlands Source: National Cyber Resilience Centre Group Category: News Topic: Cyber Security |
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Article: Russian group behind video calls and email compromise - published almost 2 years ago. Content: A threat group known as TA499, and publicly known as either Vovan or Lexus, are a Russian aligned pair that have been turning to deepfake and advanced social engineering techniques to persuade officials and those with access to sensitive information to engage in video calls as part of a campaign of misinformation instigated by Russian affiliates. Their campa... Published: 2023 03 13 14:41:56 Received: 2023 03 20 09:07:18 Feed: The Cyber Resilience Centre for the East Midlands Source: National Cyber Resilience Centre Group Category: News Topic: Cyber Security |
Article: Premier League star rocked by crypto scam as FBI reveal figures that prompt banks to take action - published almost 2 years ago. Content: Nottingham Forest midfielder Gustavo Scarpa has reportedly lost almost £1m in a cryptocurrency scam, as the FBI reveal that more than $2bn was lost to cryptocurrency investment scams in 2022. Premier League club Nottingham Forest have revealed that they have allowed their 29-year-old Brazilian attacking midfielder Gustavo Scarpa to return to his homeland to ... Published: 2023 03 16 15:52:29 Received: 2023 03 20 09:07:18 Feed: The Cyber Resilience Centre for the East Midlands Source: National Cyber Resilience Centre Group Category: News Topic: Cyber Security |
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Article: A beginner's guide to ChatGTP - published almost 2 years ago. Content: Everyone’s talking about ChatGPT, and the internet is full of examples of AI shaking up how we ask questions. It's a powerful technology, but to get the most out of it there are some things you need to consider... Firstly, let us consider what ChatGPT actually is. It’s an artificial intelligence technology called ‘large language models’ - or LLMs. This mean... Published: 2023 03 17 11:25:07 Received: 2023 03 20 09:07:18 Feed: The Cyber Resilience Centre for the East Midlands Source: National Cyber Resilience Centre Group Category: News Topic: Cyber Security |
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Article: Meet our new board member, Mike Kapur, OBE - published almost 2 years ago. Content: We’re delighted to welcome and announce Mike Kapur, OBE, as a Strategic Advisor to the Board at the East Midlands Cyber Resilience Centre. Mike is a leading East Midlands businessman who has three decades of successful board room experience in both private and public sector organisations, and we’re looking forward to working alongside him and to harness his ... Published: 2023 03 17 11:37:43 Received: 2023 03 20 09:07:18 Feed: The Cyber Resilience Centre for the East Midlands Source: National Cyber Resilience Centre Group Category: News Topic: Cyber Security |
Article: How can an employer protect themselves when an employee is fired? - published about 2 years ago. Content: A business will always deal with employee turnover, whether employees leave for a change of scenery, circumstances or even a career change. Unfortunately, a growing trend that police forces across the North West continue to see is cyber attacks on businesses, where disgruntled former employees will attack or remove client/company data when leaving a job. I... Published: 2023 01 11 12:04:50 Received: 2023 03 20 09:07:15 Feed: North West Cyber Resilience Centre Source: National Cyber Resilience Centre Group Category: News Topic: Cyber Security |
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Article: What is the North West Cyber Resilience Centre? - published about 2 years ago. Content: The North West Cyber Resilience Centre (NWCRC) is here to grow and strengthen the business communities' resilience to online crime. In this blog, we outline, what we do and how we work with businesses in the North West. The North West Cyber Resilience Centre was launched in November 2019 and was founded to help the region combat cybercrime - and we're alread... Published: 2023 01 27 14:47:23 Received: 2023 03 20 09:07:14 Feed: North West Cyber Resilience Centre Source: National Cyber Resilience Centre Group Category: News Topic: Cyber Security |
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Article: The most frequently asked questions about a Digital Footprint - published about 2 years ago. Content: At the Cyber Resilience Centre, a topic that often resonates with ,members and businesses is digital footprints. As a result, we’re frequently asked many questions that promote great conversations with business owners and staff alike. Your digital footprint is data left behind when you have been online - across all devices. Here, we’ve compiled answers to s... Published: 2023 02 06 05:49:02 Received: 2023 03 20 09:07:14 Feed: North West Cyber Resilience Centre Source: National Cyber Resilience Centre Group Category: News Topic: Cyber Security |
Article: Does my Business need Cyber Essentials Certification for Government Contracts? - published about 2 years ago. Content: A UK Government-backed scheme, Cyber Essentials helps organisations to protect themselves against common cyber threats. Does my Business need Cyber Essentials Certification for Government contracts? Does my Business need Cyber Essentials Certification for Ministry of Defence Contracts contracts? Why should you get Cyber Essentials? How can I beco... Published: 2023 02 07 12:15:35 Received: 2023 03 20 09:07:13 Feed: North West Cyber Resilience Centre Source: National Cyber Resilience Centre Group Category: News Topic: Cyber Security |
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Article: Final Call for Greater Manchester Businesses to join our Fully Funded Business Resilience Programme - published about 2 years ago. Content: The North West Cyber Resilience Centre's ,Business Resilience Programme (funded through Greater Manchester Police) ends this year. Time is running out for businesses to get their hands on a fully-funded place to help them secure the future of their business and build cyber resilience in their staff. More than 250 hours have already been spent on Security ... Published: 2023 02 20 13:19:31 Received: 2023 03 20 09:07:12 Feed: North West Cyber Resilience Centre Source: National Cyber Resilience Centre Group Category: News Topic: Cyber Security |
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Article: What is a Network Vulnerability Assessment? Why does my business need one? - published about 2 years ago. Content: A ,Network Vulnerability Assessment is a process of identifying existing weaknesses within your network. It can be host-based, network-based, wireless, application, or within your database. Hackers work on an economy of scale, and finding a low-hanging fruit is the holy grail for an attacker. An unpatched or legacy software on a network can open the door t... Published: 2023 03 07 00:00:00 Received: 2023 03 20 09:07:12 Feed: North West Cyber Resilience Centre Source: National Cyber Resilience Centre Group Category: News Topic: Cyber Security |
Article: Simulated Phishing Exercise - What is it and Who needs it? - published about 2 years ago. Content: A ,Simulated Phishing Exercise is essentially a test where realistic (but safe) Phishing emails are sent to your staff members to see if they can spot warning signs and red flags and consequently follow the correct procedures to deal with the Phishing email. In 2023, the Cyber Security Breaches Survey found that 83% of businesses suffered phishing attacks. ... Published: 2023 03 08 06:23:01 Received: 2023 03 20 09:07:12 Feed: North West Cyber Resilience Centre Source: National Cyber Resilience Centre Group Category: News Topic: Cyber Security |
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Article: Life After University: Cyber Security Edition - published almost 2 years ago. Content: A new North West Cyber Student Chapter event has been announced as part of a regular calendar of events for any student studying cybersecurity in the North West. This new event, ',Life After University: Cyber Security Edition' feature several short talks from Cyber Security Experts sharing how they found their feet after graduating - come and network with ... Published: 2023 03 13 11:13:56 Received: 2023 03 20 09:07:11 Feed: North West Cyber Resilience Centre Source: National Cyber Resilience Centre Group Category: News Topic: Cyber Security |
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Article: New Microsoft Office Threat: OneNote Documents filled with Malware - published almost 2 years ago. Content: Look out for potential threats when using Microsoft Office; cyber attackers have been using Microsoft OneNote documents to download malware onto computer systems. What is the threat to Microsoft Office users? Attackers use Microsoft OneNote documents (part of Microsoft Office) to launch malware attacks. OneNote is a digital notebook that is included in the ... Published: 2023 03 20 05:58:04 Received: 2023 03 20 09:07:11 Feed: North West Cyber Resilience Centre Source: National Cyber Resilience Centre Group Category: News Topic: Cyber Security |
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