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Ordered by Date Received : Year: "2023" Month: "06" Day: "11" Hour: "01"
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Article: 네이버 보안 기술 누구나…'NShiftkey' 솔루션 공개 - 네이트뉴스 - published almost 2 years ago.
Content: 한눈에 보는 오늘 : IT/과학 - 뉴스 : [이데일리 김현아 기자]네이버가 자체 구축해 온 강력한 보안 기술들과 노하우를 결집한 DevSecOps 시스템 ...   
Published: 2023 06 10 23:58:03
Received: 2023 06 11 01:47:01
Feed: Google Alert - devsecops
Source: Google Alert
Category: News
Topic: DevSecOps
Article: 네이버 보안 기술 누구나…'NShiftkey' 솔루션 공개 - 네이트뉴스 - published almost 2 years ago.
Content: 한눈에 보는 오늘 : IT/과학 - 뉴스 : [이데일리 김현아 기자]네이버가 자체 구축해 온 강력한 보안 기술들과 노하우를 결집한 DevSecOps 시스템 ...   
Published: 2023 06 10 23:58:03
Received: 2023 06 11 01:47:01
Feed: Google Alert - devsecops
Source: Google Alert
Category: News
Topic: DevSecOps
Article: 네이버 보안 기술 누구나… 'NShiftkey' 솔루션 공개 - ZUM 뉴스 - published almost 2 years ago.
Content: [이데일리 김현아 기자] 네이버가 자체 구축해 온 강력한 보안 기술들과 노하우를 결집한 DevSecOps 시스템 'NShiftkey'를 오픈소스 앱으로 공개했다.   
Published: 2023 06 11 00:21:47
Received: 2023 06 11 01:47:01
Feed: Google Alert - devsecops
Source: Google Alert
Category: News
Topic: DevSecOps
Article: 네이버 보안 기술 누구나… 'NShiftkey' 솔루션 공개 - ZUM 뉴스 - published almost 2 years ago.
Content: [이데일리 김현아 기자] 네이버가 자체 구축해 온 강력한 보안 기술들과 노하우를 결집한 DevSecOps 시스템 'NShiftkey'를 오픈소스 앱으로 공개했다.   
Published: 2023 06 11 00:21:47
Received: 2023 06 11 01:47:01
Feed: Google Alert - devsecops
Source: Google Alert
Category: News
Topic: DevSecOps
Cyber Tzar Free Score Certificate
Cyber Tzar Free Score Certificate
Article: Apple Releases Tool to Help Developers Port Windows Games to Mac - published almost 2 years ago.
Published: 2023 06 11 01:28:43
Received: 2023 06 11 01:45:10
Feed: MacRumors : Mac News and Rumors
Source: MacRumors : Mac News and Rumors
Category: News
Topic: Cyber Security
Article: Apple Releases Tool to Help Developers Port Windows Games to Mac - published almost 2 years ago.
Published: 2023 06 11 01:28:43
Received: 2023 06 11 01:45:10
Feed: MacRumors : Mac News and Rumors
Source: MacRumors : Mac News and Rumors
Category: News
Topic: Cyber Security
Cyber Tzar Score Summary
Cyber Tzar Score Summary
Cyber Tzar Free Score Certificate
Cyber Tzar Free Score Certificate
Article: State Taxes Deptt organises workshop on Cyber Security at Jammu - Scoop News - published almost 2 years ago.
Content: Jammu, June 10 (Scoop News)-State Taxes Department J&K today organised a workshop on Cyber Security under 'Stay Safe Online Campaign' of Ministry ...   
Published: 2023 06 10 20:17:20
Received: 2023 06 11 01:42:15
Feed: Google Alert – "cyber security"
Source: Google Alert
Category: News
Topic: Cyber Security
Article: State Taxes Deptt organises workshop on Cyber Security at Jammu - Scoop News - published almost 2 years ago.
Content: Jammu, June 10 (Scoop News)-State Taxes Department J&K today organised a workshop on Cyber Security under 'Stay Safe Online Campaign' of Ministry ...   
Published: 2023 06 10 20:17:20
Received: 2023 06 11 01:42:15
Feed: Google Alert – "cyber security"
Source: Google Alert
Category: News
Topic: Cyber Security
Article: Millions of Gmail users warned over scam exploiting potential bug in Google feature - published almost 2 years ago.
Content: GoogleCyber SecurityTechnology. Trending. Video. Scammers have found a backend Gmail loophole allowing them to become verified while impersonating ...   
Published: 2023 06 11 00:13:10
Received: 2023 06 11 01:42:14
Feed: Google Alert – "cyber security"
Source: Google Alert
Category: News
Topic: Cyber Security
Article: Millions of Gmail users warned over scam exploiting potential bug in Google feature - published almost 2 years ago.
Content: GoogleCyber SecurityTechnology. Trending. Video. Scammers have found a backend Gmail loophole allowing them to become verified while impersonating ...   
Published: 2023 06 11 00:13:10
Received: 2023 06 11 01:42:14
Feed: Google Alert – "cyber security"
Source: Google Alert
Category: News
Topic: Cyber Security
Cyber Tzar Your Score Explained
Cyber Tzar Your Score Explained
Article: Data breach impacts MN Department of Education | - published almost 2 years ago.
Content: MDE says one of its servers was hit by a global cyber security attack targeting MOVEit software. Files accessed contained data from more than ...   
Published: 2023 06 10 23:17:03
Received: 2023 06 11 01:02:19
Feed: Google Alert – "cyber security"
Source: Google Alert
Category: News
Topic: Cyber Security
Article: Data breach impacts MN Department of Education | - published almost 2 years ago.
Content: MDE says one of its servers was hit by a global cyber security attack targeting MOVEit software. Files accessed contained data from more than ...   
Published: 2023 06 10 23:17:03
Received: 2023 06 11 01:02:19
Feed: Google Alert – "cyber security"
Source: Google Alert
Category: News
Topic: Cyber Security
Cyber Tzar Gold Score Certificate
Cyber Tzar Gold Score Certificate
Article: WISP Required! Key Components in Your Firm's Written Information Security Plan - published almost 2 years ago.
Content: STEP 5: Employee Education: The IRS recommends firms provide ongoing cyber security education discussing not only the firm's security policies and ...   
Published: 2023 06 11 00:18:16
Received: 2023 06 11 01:02:18
Feed: Google Alert – "cyber security"
Source: Google Alert
Category: News
Topic: Cyber Security
Article: WISP Required! Key Components in Your Firm's Written Information Security Plan - published almost 2 years ago.
Content: STEP 5: Employee Education: The IRS recommends firms provide ongoing cyber security education discussing not only the firm's security policies and ...   
Published: 2023 06 11 00:18:16
Received: 2023 06 11 01:02:18
Feed: Google Alert – "cyber security"
Source: Google Alert
Category: News
Topic: Cyber Security
Article: Google is providing funding for 2000 students to earn a Career Certificate in Cybersecurity in Africa. - published almost 2 years ago.
Content: But there is a problem: there aren't enough trained cybersecurity experts, which slows growth. Learners in Sub-Saharan Africa can get the skills they ...   
Published: 2023 06 11 00:44:38
Received: 2023 06 11 01:02:15
Feed: Google Alert – cybersecurity
Source: Google Alert
Category: News
Topic: Cyber Security
Article: Google is providing funding for 2000 students to earn a Career Certificate in Cybersecurity in Africa. - published almost 2 years ago.
Content: But there is a problem: there aren't enough trained cybersecurity experts, which slows growth. Learners in Sub-Saharan Africa can get the skills they ...   
Published: 2023 06 11 00:44:38
Received: 2023 06 11 01:02:15
Feed: Google Alert – cybersecurity
Source: Google Alert
Category: News
Topic: Cyber Security
Cyber Tzar Score Analysis
Cyber Tzar Score Analysis

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Ordered by Date Received : Year: "2023" Month: "06" Day: "11" Hour: "01"
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Total Articles in this collection: 8

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