Article: Vault Range - The Measure and Resilience of Weaponized Exploit Methods for Linux - published over 1 year ago. Content: submitted by /u/hardenedvault [link] [comments]... Published: 2023 07 16 13:25:01 Received: 2023 07 16 14:23:36 Feed: /r/netsec - Information Security News and Discussion Source: /r/netsec - Information Security News and Discussion Category: Cyber Security Topic: Cyber Security |
Article: CVE-2023-3686 - published over 1 year ago. Content: Published: 2023 07 16 13:15:09 Received: 2023 07 16 14:15:50 Feed: National Vulnerability Database Source: National Vulnerability Database Category: Alerts Topic: Vulnerabilities |
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Article: Weekly Update 345 - published almost 2 years ago. Content: Presently sponsored by: Kolide ensures that if a device isn't secure, it can't access your apps. It's Device Trust for Okta. Watch the demo today!I stand by my expression in the image above. It's a perfectly accurate representation of how I looked after receiving the CityJerks breach, clicking on the link to the website then seeing what it actually was 😳 For... Published: 2023 04 28 04:10:46 Received: 2023 07 16 14:01:30 Feed: Troy Hunt's Blog Source: Troy Hunt's Blog Category: Cyber Security Topic: Cyber Security |
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Article: Divorce - published almost 2 years ago. Content: Presently sponsored by: Kolide ensures that if a device isn't secure, it can't access your apps. It's Device Trust for Okta. Watch the demo today!I wish I'd read this blog post years ago.I don't have any expertise whatsoever to be guiding others through this process so please don't look at this as a "how to". But what I do have is an audience, and I've found... Published: 2023 05 03 08:35:03 Received: 2023 07 16 14:01:30 Feed: Troy Hunt's Blog Source: Troy Hunt's Blog Category: Cyber Security Topic: Cyber Security |
Article: Weekly Update 346 - published almost 2 years ago. Content: Presently sponsored by: Kolide ensures that if a device isn't secure, it can't access your apps. It's Device Trust for Okta. Watch the demo today!It's a bit of a mixed bag this week with a very light-hearted look at the death of the browser padlock icon (which has been replaced by an icon that looks like a sex act), and a much more serious discussion about d... Published: 2023 05 05 00:48:45 Received: 2023 07 16 14:01:29 Feed: Troy Hunt's Blog Source: Troy Hunt's Blog Category: Cyber Security Topic: Cyber Security |
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Article: Weekly Update 347 - published almost 2 years ago. Content: Presently sponsored by: Kolide ensures that if a device isn't secure, it can't access your apps. It's Device Trust for Okta. Watch the demo today!A late one this week as I cover from the non-stop conferencing that was the Azure user group in Perth, followed by the Cyber West keynote, then the social drinks that night, the flight back home straight into the A... Published: 2023 05 14 05:13:04 Received: 2023 07 16 14:01:29 Feed: Troy Hunt's Blog Source: Troy Hunt's Blog Category: Cyber Security Topic: Cyber Security |
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Article: Weekly Update 348 - published almost 2 years ago. Content: Presently sponsored by: Kolide ensures that if a device isn't secure, it can't access your apps. It's Device Trust for Okta. Watch the demo today!I feel like the .zip TLD debate is one of those cases where it's very easy for the purest security view to overwhelm the practical human reality. I'm yet to see a single good argument that is likely to have real wo... Published: 2023 05 22 00:57:01 Received: 2023 07 16 14:01:29 Feed: Troy Hunt's Blog Source: Troy Hunt's Blog Category: Cyber Security Topic: Cyber Security |
Article: Weekly Update 349 - published almost 2 years ago. Content: Presently sponsored by: Kolide ensures that if a device isn't secure, it can't access your apps. It's Device Trust for Okta. Watch the demo today!This week's update is dominated by my experience with "Lena", the scammer from Gumtree who tried to fleece my wife of $800. There's a blow-by-blow rundown of how it all happened in this video and it's fascinating t... Published: 2023 05 27 22:27:32 Received: 2023 07 16 14:01:29 Feed: Troy Hunt's Blog Source: Troy Hunt's Blog Category: Cyber Security Topic: Cyber Security |
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Article: Weekly Update 350 - published almost 2 years ago. Content: Presently sponsored by: Kolide ensures that if a device isn't secure, it can't access your apps. It's Device Trust for Okta. Watch the demo today!And so ends a long period of back-to-back weeks of conferences and talks. It's funny how these things seem to cluster together at times and whilst the last 6 or 8 weeks (I honestly lose track!) have been chaotic, I... Published: 2023 06 02 20:08:18 Received: 2023 07 16 14:01:29 Feed: Troy Hunt's Blog Source: Troy Hunt's Blog Category: Cyber Security Topic: Cyber Security |
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Article: Weekly Update 351 - published almost 2 years ago. Content: Presently sponsored by: Kolide ensures that if a device isn't secure, it can't access your apps. It's Device Trust for Okta. Watch the demo today!I spent most of this week's update on the tweaking I went through with Azure's API Management service and then using Cloudflare to stop a whole bunch of requests that really didn't need to go all the way to the ori... Published: 2023 06 09 04:02:13 Received: 2023 07 16 14:01:29 Feed: Troy Hunt's Blog Source: Troy Hunt's Blog Category: Cyber Security Topic: Cyber Security |
Article: Have I Been Pwned Domain Searches: The Big 5 Announcements! - published over 1 year ago. Content: Presently sponsored by: Kolide ensures that if a device isn't secure, it can't access your apps. It's Device Trust for Okta. Watch the demo today!There are presently 201k people monitoring domains in Have I Been Pwned (HIBP). That's massive! That's 201k people that have searched for a domain, left their email address for future notifications when the domain ... Published: 2023 06 15 07:17:57 Received: 2023 07 16 14:01:29 Feed: Troy Hunt's Blog Source: Troy Hunt's Blog Category: Cyber Security Topic: Cyber Security |
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Article: Weekly Update 352 - published over 1 year ago. Content: Presently sponsored by: Kolide ensures that if a device isn't secure, it can't access your apps. It's Device Trust for Okta. Watch the demo today!Domain searches in HIBP - that's the story this week - and I'm grateful for all the feedback I've received. I've had a few messages in particular since this live stream where people gave me some really excellent fe... Published: 2023 06 18 06:20:13 Received: 2023 07 16 14:01:28 Feed: Troy Hunt's Blog Source: Troy Hunt's Blog Category: Cyber Security Topic: Cyber Security |
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Article: Weekly Update 353 - published over 1 year ago. Content: Presently sponsored by: Kolide ensures that if a device isn't secure, it can't access your apps. It's Device Trust for Okta. Watch the demo today!This feels like a week of minor frustrations with little real world consequence but they just bugged the hell out of me. Couldn't record in my office due to a weird ground loop problem, my Home Assistant instance w... Published: 2023 06 25 02:28:01 Received: 2023 07 16 14:01:28 Feed: Troy Hunt's Blog Source: Troy Hunt's Blog Category: Cyber Security Topic: Cyber Security |
Article: Weekly Update 354 - published over 1 year ago. Content: Presently sponsored by: Kolide ensures that if a device isn't secure, it can't access your apps. It's Device Trust for Okta. Watch the demo today!I'm in Thailand! It's spectacular here, and even more so since recording this video and getting out of Bangkok and into the sorts of natural beauty you see in all the videos. Speaking of which, rather than writing ... Published: 2023 07 03 05:29:07 Received: 2023 07 16 14:01:28 Feed: Troy Hunt's Blog Source: Troy Hunt's Blog Category: Cyber Security Topic: Cyber Security |
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Article: Weekly Update 355 - published over 1 year ago. Content: Presently sponsored by: Kolide ensures that if a device isn't secure, it can't access your apps. It's Device Trust for Okta. Watch the demo today!Alrighty, "The Social Media". Without adding too much here as I think it's adequately covered in the video, since last week we've had another change at Twitter that has gotten some people cranky (rate limits) and a... Published: 2023 07 08 02:27:05 Received: 2023 07 16 14:01:28 Feed: Troy Hunt's Blog Source: Troy Hunt's Blog Category: Cyber Security Topic: Cyber Security |
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Article: Lucky MVP 13 - published over 1 year ago. Content: Presently sponsored by: Kolide ensures that if a device isn't secure, it can't access your apps. It's Device Trust for Okta. Watch the demo today!Each year since 2011, Microsoft has sent me a lovely email around this time:I've been fortunate enough to find a passion in life that has allowed me to do what I love and make a great living out of it all whilst co... Published: 2023 07 13 10:43:50 Received: 2023 07 16 14:01:28 Feed: Troy Hunt's Blog Source: Troy Hunt's Blog Category: Cyber Security Topic: Cyber Security |
Article: Weekly Update 356 - published over 1 year ago. Content: Presently sponsored by: Kolide ensures that if a device isn't secure, it can't access your apps. It's Device Trust for Okta. Watch the demo today!Today was a bit back-to-back having just wrapped up the British Airways Magecart attack webinar with Scott. That was actually a great session with loads of engagement and it's been recorded to so look out for that ... Published: 2023 07 14 06:12:34 Received: 2023 07 16 14:01:28 Feed: Troy Hunt's Blog Source: Troy Hunt's Blog Category: Cyber Security Topic: Cyber Security |
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