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Ordered by Date Received : Year: "2023" Month: "10" Day: "13" Hour: "08"
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Total Articles in this collection: 7

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Article: Hanwha Vision adds AI to 4 and 5-channel multi-directional cameras - published over 1 year ago.
Content: Hanwha Vision is expanding its range of AI cameras with new 4 and 5-channel multi-directional cameras, powered by an AI engine, that provide operators with a 360° view and industry-leading analytics. The solutions rapidly classify and detect people, faces, vehicles (including vehicle types), and licence plates, as well as providing AI-based loitering and...   
Published: 2023 10 13 08:04:00
Received: 2023 10 13 08:07:46
Feed: Security Journal UK
Source: Security Journal UK
Category: Security
Topic: Security
Article: Hanwha Vision adds AI to 4 and 5-channel multi-directional cameras - published over 1 year ago.
Content: Hanwha Vision is expanding its range of AI cameras with new 4 and 5-channel multi-directional cameras, powered by an AI engine, that provide operators with a 360° view and industry-leading analytics. The solutions rapidly classify and detect people, faces, vehicles (including vehicle types), and licence plates, as well as providing AI-based loitering and...   
Published: 2023 10 13 08:04:00
Received: 2023 10 13 08:07:46
Feed: Security Journal UK
Source: Security Journal UK
Category: Security
Topic: Security
Article: 코스콤, 한국신용정보원 차세대 IT시스템 구축 시동 - 뉴스통 - published over 1 year ago.
Content: 먼저 신용정보 차세대 IT시스템 기반 구축을 위해 △하이브리드 클라우드 △클라우드 관리 플랫폼(CMP) △데이터 플랫폼 △애플리케이션 플랫폼 △DevSecOps ...   
Published: 2023 10 12 20:08:38
Received: 2023 10 13 08:07:40
Feed: Google Alert - devsecops
Source: Google Alert
Category: News
Topic: DevSecOps
Article: 코스콤, 한국신용정보원 차세대 IT시스템 구축 시동 - 뉴스통 - published over 1 year ago.
Content: 먼저 신용정보 차세대 IT시스템 기반 구축을 위해 △하이브리드 클라우드 △클라우드 관리 플랫폼(CMP) △데이터 플랫폼 △애플리케이션 플랫폼 △DevSecOps ...   
Published: 2023 10 12 20:08:38
Received: 2023 10 13 08:07:40
Feed: Google Alert - devsecops
Source: Google Alert
Category: News
Topic: DevSecOps
Cyber Tzar Free Score Certificate
Cyber Tzar Free Score Certificate
Article: DevsecOps Market [2023-2031] | CA Technologies, IBM, MicroFocus - SeeDance News - published over 1 year ago.
Content: New research has just been published on titled Global "DevsecOps" Market Trends and Insights.   
Published: 2023 10 13 02:32:19
Received: 2023 10 13 08:07:38
Feed: Google Alert - devsecops
Source: Google Alert
Category: News
Topic: DevSecOps
Article: DevsecOps Market [2023-2031] | CA Technologies, IBM, MicroFocus - SeeDance News - published over 1 year ago.
Content: New research has just been published on titled Global "DevsecOps" Market Trends and Insights.   
Published: 2023 10 13 02:32:19
Received: 2023 10 13 08:07:38
Feed: Google Alert - devsecops
Source: Google Alert
Category: News
Topic: DevSecOps
Cyber Tzar Score Summary
Cyber Tzar Score Summary
Cyber Tzar Free Score Certificate
Cyber Tzar Free Score Certificate
Article: Enabling the Success of DevSecOps with AI - Open Source For You - published over 1 year ago.
Content: AI impacts DevSecOps in many positive ways — from accelerated testing and better security to quicker delivery of software.   
Published: 2023 10 13 04:48:49
Received: 2023 10 13 08:07:38
Feed: Google Alert - devsecops
Source: Google Alert
Category: News
Topic: DevSecOps
Article: Enabling the Success of DevSecOps with AI - Open Source For You - published over 1 year ago.
Content: AI impacts DevSecOps in many positive ways — from accelerated testing and better security to quicker delivery of software.   
Published: 2023 10 13 04:48:49
Received: 2023 10 13 08:07:38
Feed: Google Alert - devsecops
Source: Google Alert
Category: News
Topic: DevSecOps
Article: Jfrog bringt KI/ML-Entwicklung und DevSecOps in Einklang - BigData-Insider - published over 1 year ago.
Content: Dies bringe die KI-Bereitstellung in Einklang mit bestehenden DevOps- und DevSecOps-Praktiken eines Unternehmens, um die Freigabe von ML-Komponenten ...   
Published: 2023 10 13 06:21:32
Received: 2023 10 13 08:07:38
Feed: Google Alert - devsecops
Source: Google Alert
Category: News
Topic: DevSecOps
Article: Jfrog bringt KI/ML-Entwicklung und DevSecOps in Einklang - BigData-Insider - published over 1 year ago.
Content: Dies bringe die KI-Bereitstellung in Einklang mit bestehenden DevOps- und DevSecOps-Praktiken eines Unternehmens, um die Freigabe von ML-Komponenten ...   
Published: 2023 10 13 06:21:32
Received: 2023 10 13 08:07:38
Feed: Google Alert - devsecops
Source: Google Alert
Category: News
Topic: DevSecOps
Cyber Tzar Your Score Explained
Cyber Tzar Your Score Explained
Article: 【iThome 2023資安大調查:資安弱點篇】5成多企業員工資安意識不足,3成企業欠缺資安老手 - published over 1 year ago.
Content: 這兩個產業今年都面臨了基礎架構升級或轉換的挑戰,政府學校更積極擁抱雲原生技術,更大力引進DevOps方法論和相關工具,甚至是直接採用DevSecOp。而醫院也 ...   
Published: 2023 10 13 07:04:44
Received: 2023 10 13 08:07:38
Feed: Google Alert - devsecops
Source: Google Alert
Category: News
Topic: DevSecOps
Article: 【iThome 2023資安大調查:資安弱點篇】5成多企業員工資安意識不足,3成企業欠缺資安老手 - published over 1 year ago.
Content: 這兩個產業今年都面臨了基礎架構升級或轉換的挑戰,政府學校更積極擁抱雲原生技術,更大力引進DevOps方法論和相關工具,甚至是直接採用DevSecOp。而醫院也 ...   
Published: 2023 10 13 07:04:44
Received: 2023 10 13 08:07:38
Feed: Google Alert - devsecops
Source: Google Alert
Category: News
Topic: DevSecOps
Cyber Tzar Gold Score Certificate
Cyber Tzar Gold Score Certificate
Article: After hackers distribute malware in game updates, Steam adds SMS-based security check for developers - published over 1 year ago.
Published: 2023 10 13 07:17:38
Received: 2023 10 13 08:01:35
Feed: Graham Cluley
Source: Graham Cluley
Category: Cyber Security
Topic: Cyber Security
Article: After hackers distribute malware in game updates, Steam adds SMS-based security check for developers - published over 1 year ago.
Published: 2023 10 13 07:17:38
Received: 2023 10 13 08:01:35
Feed: Graham Cluley
Source: Graham Cluley
Category: Cyber Security
Topic: Cyber Security

All Articles

Ordered by Date Received : Year: "2023" Month: "10" Day: "13" Hour: "08"
Page: 1 (of 0)

Total Articles in this collection: 7

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