Article: New Malvertising Campaign Distributing PikaBot Disguised as Popular Software - published about 1 year ago. Content: Published: 2023 12 19 11:02:00 Received: 2023 12 19 11:43:55 Feed: The Hacker News Source: The Hacker News Category: News Topic: Cyber Security |
Article: Cleafy improves banking security with real-time AI capabilities - published about 1 year ago. Content: Published: 2023 12 19 11:00:06 Received: 2023 12 19 11:41:18 Feed: Help Net Security - News Source: Help Net Security - News Category: Cyber Security Topic: Cyber Security |
Article: DevSecOps Architect - Bengaluru/Bangalore - Unisys - 10 to 14 years of experience - published about 1 year ago. Content: Job Description for DevSecOps Architect in Unisys in Bengaluru/Bangalore for 10 to 14 years of experience. Apply Now! Published: 2023 12 19 06:22:09 Received: 2023 12 19 11:26:18 Feed: Google Alert - devsecops Source: Google Alert Category: News Topic: DevSecOps |
Article: SecDevOps vs DevSecOps - Which Is the Right Approach? - Plutora - published about 1 year ago. Content: SecDevOps vs DevSecOps - Which Is the Right Approach? Today's threat landscape is evolving faster than ever before. In light of recent high ... Published: 2023 12 19 07:32:54 Received: 2023 12 19 11:26:17 Feed: Google Alert - devsecops Source: Google Alert Category: News Topic: DevSecOps |
Article: DevSecOps as an extension of DevOps | by Teracloud - FAUN — Developer Community - published about 1 year ago. Content: DevSecOps is the natural extension of DevOps and Agile cultures to ... DevSecOps efforts are guided to unite application development, IT operations ... Published: 2023 12 19 08:25:46 Received: 2023 12 19 11:26:17 Feed: Google Alert - devsecops Source: Google Alert Category: News Topic: DevSecOps |
Article: CyberCamp MeetUp. Разбор заданий киберучений. - CISO Club - published about 1 year ago. Content: 15:45 – DevSecOps в «Manifest Fest» Семён Барышников, ведущий инженер центра информационной безопасности, «Инфосистемы Джет». 16:15 – Small Talk от ... Published: 2023 12 19 08:26:47 Received: 2023 12 19 11:26:17 Feed: Google Alert - devsecops Source: Google Alert Category: News Topic: DevSecOps |
Article: DevSecOps | Cigniti Technologies - published about 1 year ago. Content: DevSecOps as a Managed Service ... End-to-end DevSecOps services include ongoing operational support for maintaining a secure development environment. Published: 2023 12 19 10:48:49 Received: 2023 12 19 11:26:17 Feed: Google Alert - devsecops Source: Google Alert Category: News Topic: DevSecOps |
Article: How Much Your Org Reaction to a Tweet Says? - published almost 8 years ago. Content: Recently Tavis Ormandy a well known vulnerability researcher from Google made a tweet about a vulnerability he and researcher Natalie Silvanovich from Google Project Zero found on the Windows OS that could be wormable. ... Published: 2017 05 07 21:51:27 Received: 2023 12 19 11:23:28 Feed: Blog Source: Blog Category: Cyber Security Topic: Cyber Security |
Article: Basics of Tracking WMI Activity - published over 7 years ago. Content: WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation) has been part of the Windows Operating System since since Windows 2000 when it was included in the OS. The technology has been of great value to system administrators by providing ways to pull all types of information, configure components and take action based on state of several components of the OS. Due to this fle... Published: 2017 10 16 12:00:00 Received: 2023 12 19 11:23:27 Feed: Blog Source: Blog Category: Cyber Security Topic: Cyber Security |
Article: Sysinternals Sysmon 6.10 Tracking of Permanent WMI Events - published over 7 years ago. Content: In my previous blog post I covered how Microsoft has enhanced WMI logging in the latest versions of their client and server operating systems. WMI Permanent event logging was also added in version 6.10 specific events for logging permanent event actions. The new events are:Event ID 19: WmiEvent (WmiEventFilter activity detected). When a WMI event filter is r... Published: 2017 10 18 12:00:00 Received: 2023 12 19 11:23:27 Feed: Blog Source: Blog Category: Cyber Security Topic: Cyber Security |
Article: Update to Pentest Metasploit Plugin - published over 7 years ago. Content: I recently update my Metasploit Pentest Plugin . I added 2 new commands to the plugin and fixed issues when printing information as a table. The update are small ones.Lets take a look at the changes for the plugin. We can start by loading the plugin in a Metasploit Framework session. msf > load pentest ___ _ ... Published: 2017 10 19 12:00:00 Received: 2023 12 19 11:23:27 Feed: Blog Source: Blog Category: Cyber Security Topic: Cyber Security |
Article: Basics of The Metasploit Framework API - IRB Setup - published over 7 years ago. Content: Those of you who have taken my "Automating Metasploit Framework" class all this material should not be new. I have decided to start making a large portion of the class available here in the blog as a series. On this post I will cover the basics of setting up IRB so we can start exploring in a general sense the Metasploit Framework API. The API is extensive a... Published: 2017 10 23 12:00:00 Received: 2023 12 19 11:23:27 Feed: Blog Source: Blog Category: Cyber Security Topic: Cyber Security |
Article: Windows Defender Exploit Guard ASR VBScript/JS Rule - published over 7 years ago. Content: Microsoft has been adding to Windows 10 the features of the Enhanced Mitigation Experience Toolkit (EMET) in to the OS. On the 1709 release they added more features and expanded on them as part of Windows Defender Exploit Guard One of the features of great interest for me is Attack Surface Reduction. I have used this feature in EMET with great success as a m... Published: 2017 11 07 12:00:00 Received: 2023 12 19 11:23:27 Feed: Blog Source: Blog Category: Cyber Security Topic: Cyber Security |
Article: Windows Defender Exploit Guard ASR Obfuscated Script Rule - published over 7 years ago. Content: On this blog post I will cover my testing of the Attack Surface Reduction rule for Potentially Obfuscated Scripts. This is one of the features that intrigued me the most. One obfuscates the scripts for several reasons:Bypass detection controls like AV, automatic log analysis and other controls. Hinder analysis of the script to determine its purpose and actio... Published: 2017 11 08 12:00:00 Received: 2023 12 19 11:23:26 Feed: Blog Source: Blog Category: Cyber Security Topic: Cyber Security |
Article: Windows Defender Exploit Guard ASR Rules for Office - published about 7 years ago. Content: On this blog post I continue looking at the ASR rules, this time I'm looking at the ASR rules for Office. The ASR rules for office are:Block Office applications from creating child processesBlock Office applications from creating executable contentBlock Office applications from injecting code into other processesBlock Win32 API calls from Office macroThese ... Published: 2017 11 14 11:00:00 Received: 2023 12 19 11:23:26 Feed: Blog Source: Blog Category: Cyber Security Topic: Cyber Security |
Article: Operational Look at Sysinternals Sysmon 6.20 Update - published about 7 years ago. Content: Sysmon has been a game changer for many organizations allowing their teams to fine tune their detection of malicious activity when combined with tools that aggregate and correlate events. A new version of Symon was recently released. Version 6.20 fixes bugs and adds new features. Some the of the note worthy changes for me are:Enhancements in WMI Logging. Ab... Published: 2017 11 27 11:00:00 Received: 2023 12 19 11:23:26 Feed: Blog Source: Blog Category: Cyber Security Topic: Cyber Security |
Article: Rebuilding My Playbook .. Knowledge Base - published about 7 years ago. Content: I find myself in the situation where I lost my personal playbook by user error. I accidentally deleted the VM where I ran xWiki where it was kept and did not realized the mistake until days later. Even if painful to rebuild it is a good opportunity to think on how to better organize it and put it in a more flexible format. I Initially called my collection o... Published: 2017 12 13 11:00:00 Received: 2023 12 19 11:23:26 Feed: Blog Source: Blog Category: Cyber Security Topic: Cyber Security |
Article: Operating Offensively Against Sysmon - published over 6 years ago. Content: Sysmon is a tool written by Mark Russinovich that I have covered in multiple blog post and even wrote a PowerShell module called Posh-Sysmon to help with the generation of configuration files for it. Its main purpose is for the tracking of potentially malicious activity on individual hosts and it is based on the same technology as Procmon. It differs from ot... Published: 2018 10 08 10:00:00 Received: 2023 12 19 11:23:26 Feed: Blog Source: Blog Category: Cyber Security Topic: Cyber Security |
Article: Tracking WMI Activity with PSGumshoe - published almost 3 years ago. Content: WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation) is the Microsoft implementation of the Web-Based Enterprise Management (WBEM) and Common Information Model (CIM) standards from the Distributed Management Task Force (DMTF). This allows for a unified way to manage a group of systems by administrators allowing them to get information about the system, its current state... Published: 2022 03 27 17:18:01 Received: 2023 12 19 11:23:24 Feed: Blog Source: Blog Category: Cyber Security Topic: Cyber Security |
Article: Xfinity discloses data breach affecting over 35 million people - published about 1 year ago. Content: Published: 2023 12 19 00:03:30 Received: 2023 12 19 11:04:50 Feed: Bleeping Computer - All News Feeds Source: Bleeping Computer Category: News Topic: Cyber Security |
Article: “Quishing” you a Happy Holiday Season - published about 1 year ago. Content: QR Code phishing scams — What they are and how to avoid them. Originally invented to keep track of car parts in the early 90s, QR codes have been around for decades. After gaining broader acceptance during the COVID-19 pandemic, they are now—perhaps inevitably—being exploited by cybercriminals. Quishing, or QR Code phishing, exploits smartphone users sca... Published: 2023 12 19 09:10:59 Received: 2023 12 19 11:02:46 Feed: Netcraft Source: Netcraft Category: Cyber Security Topic: Cyber Security |
Article: SSH vulnerability exploitable in Terrapin attacks (CVE-2023-48795) - published about 1 year ago. Content: Published: 2023 12 19 10:11:59 Received: 2023 12 19 11:01:48 Feed: Help Net Security - News Source: Help Net Security - News Category: Cyber Security Topic: Cyber Security |
Article: Mr. Cooper breach exposes sensitive info of over 14 million customers - published about 1 year ago. Content: Published: 2023 12 19 10:33:21 Received: 2023 12 19 11:01:48 Feed: Help Net Security - News Source: Help Net Security - News Category: Cyber Security Topic: Cyber Security |
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