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Balancing cyber risk and defence – an essential check list to be cyber prepared

published on 2022-03-15 09:31:31 UTC by

As heightened tensions across the world are playing out in real time cyber threats are a large player in the war currently being waged in Ukraine and, as retaliatory measures, against Russia as the aggressor.

It is easy to think with such global events unfolding that cyber security on a domestic or personal level is not a priority for hackers, but there is always a need to strike a balance between current threats and taking defensive measures.

Depending in which sector your business is based in there may be times when the cyber threat is greater than usual. If you feel there is a heightened risk at the moment, then consider prioritising what is essential cyber security work and look at temporarily boosting cyber defences.

The most important thing for organisations of all sizes is to make sure that the fundamentals of cyber security are in place and robust. Ensure that basic cyber hygiene controls are all working correctly as it’s hard to make swift system changes when you are in the eye of the storm of a cyber breach.

Here is a check list that’s worth running through as part of cyber preparedness, endorsed by the National Cyber Security Centre:

  • Check your system patching across laptops, PCs and mobiles, as well as supplier software
  • If possible, turn on automatic updates for the above
  • Verify access controls
  • Ensure defences are working
  • Understand what logging and monitoring is in place
  • Review your backups
  • Review or prepare an incident plan
  • Check your internet footprint and that domain registration data is held securely
  • Perform an external vulnerability scan of your whole internet footprint
  • Check your internal phishing responses
  • Check all third-party access
  • NCSC services – potentially register for the NSC early warning system - Early Warning - NCSC.GOV.UK
  • Brief your wider organisation – IT working in a silo is not good for overall awareness and preparedness.

For further information and guidance speak contact the NEBRC. We operate as part of a national network to help protect businesses from the growing issue of online risk and fraud. An impartial, not-for-profit organisation the NEBRC is police-led and resourced.

Cyber security is a complicated and complex environment. We work with the best cyber agencies and consultants from across the UK to demystify the jargon, offering access to national intelligence data, free guidance, and affordable practical help to increase online protection.

Contact us today at: enquiries@nebrcentre.co.uk

Article: Balancing cyber risk and defence – an essential check list to be cyber prepared - published almost 3 years ago.

Published: 2022 03 15 09:31:31
Received: 2022 03 24 02:11:19
Feed: North East Business Resilience Centre
Source: National Cyber Resilience Centre Group
Category: News
Topic: Cyber Security
Views: 4

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