Cyber security is a topic that more and more businesses and individuals are becoming aware of, whether they have faced an attack at work or experienced a hacked social media account in their personal life.
Cyber security is more important than ever, that's why we teamed up with ,BrightHR to keep your business secure with a ,Cyber Incident Plan.
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Our Cyber Incident plan included four key areas:
Preparing your checklist - This is so you can prepare for, respond to and recover from cyber incidents.
You should have an emergency contact list - this should include staff names and contact details. A list of key emergency contacts, customers and supplier details. Have both a digital and printed copy of the document in a safe place
Incident response communications, are the core questions you should address when planning or dealing with a crisis. Before an incident occurs think of Who, What and How?
We also walk you through the legal implication of an incident - it’s crucial to respond appropriately to any incident and mitigate the risks arising from it. Our document breaks down the decisions you need to take during and in the aftermath of a cyber incident to enable you to navigate out of choppy waters with minimal damage.
Share your plan with staff who feature in your incident response team and make sure they’re aware of what is expected in their role.
Ensure that they have a delegated deputy if they are away or sick - often cyber attackers do their research to exploit times when key members of your business are away. It’s important that cyber attacks don’t prosper because you are reliant on a handful of people. We all need our holidays, so make sure everyone knows what to do during those popular summer, Easter and Christmas breaks.
Implement staff training with your policies and plans so staff are confident in reporting an incident or attack when they see them. If your staff member receives a phishing email or mistakenly clicks the wrong link in an email thinking it was from a colleague - do they know the right process?
Staff shouldn’t be scared of the consequences of making mistakes, it's all about educating them to know what the scams and attacks look like and know when to report them.
Don’t forget your customer-facing side of a cyber incident, you are likely to need to respond via a crisis communications plan or PR plan.
Download your copy of our ,FREE cyber incident response pack here. For further information on other policies for your business, ,talk to BrightHR today.
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