is a tool to sort text files according to some canonicalization function. For example, sorting domains or ipv4 addresses.
This is actually an old tool, that I still had to publish. I just updated it to Python 3.
This is the man page:
Usage: [options] [files]
Sort with canonicalization function
@file: process each file listed in the text file specified
wildcards are supported
Valid Canonicalization function names:
domain: lambda x: '.'.join(x.split('.')[::-1])
ipv4: lambda x: [int(n) for n in x.split('.')]
length: lambda x: len(x)
Source code put in the public domain by Didier Stevens, no Copyright
Use at your own risk
--version show program's version number and exit
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-m, --man Print manual
Canonicalization function
-r, --reverse Reverse sort
-u, --unique Make unique list
-o OUTPUT, --output=OUTPUT
Output file
sortcanon is a tool to sort the content of text files according to some
canonicalization function.
The tool takes input from stdin or one or more text files provided as argument.
All lines from the different input files are put together and sorted.
If no option is used to select a particular type of sorting, then normal
alphabetical sorting is applied.
Use option -o to write the output to the given file, in stead of stdout.
Use option -r to reverse the sort order.
Use option -u to produce a list of unique lines: remove all doubles before
Option -c can be used to select a particular type of sorting.
For the moment, 2 options are provided:
domain: interpret the content of the text files as domain names, and sort them
first by TLD, then domain, then subdomain, and so on ...
length: sort the lines by line length. The longest lines will be printed out
ipv4: sort IPv4 addresses.
You can also provide your own Python lambda function to canonicalize each line
for sorting.
Remark that this involves the use of the Python eval function: do only use this
with trusted input. (http)Click to Open Code Editor