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Safety Letterbox Company wins SBD standard

published on 2022-09-30 09:49:44 UTC by Simon Finlay

The Safety Letterbox Company has released another mailbox that complies with the TS009 standard required by Secured by Design, the official police security initiative, meeting its Police Preferred Specification.
For over 35 years, The Safety Letterbox Company has been designing, manufacturing, and supplying mailboxes and parcel boxes from their UK factory in South Wales. The Research and Development team at The Safety Letterbox Company are always pushing the manufactory boundaries when it comes to creating new products that would disrupt the industry.
The Safety Letterbox Company has been working hard to develop a mailbox that is certified to the Door and Hardware Federation’s Technical Specification 009 (TS009) – the security standard required by Secured by Design to deter and reduce crime – and provides the market with a commercially viable solution.
The mailbox, SLB 2021 Horizontal Mailbox (TS009) is an example of a product developed to suit the very real requirements of our clients in compliance with the standard. The TS009H – recognised by Secured by Design for achieving its Police Preferred Specification after going through a rigorous process of security testing – is horizontal and suitable for both internal and external use. Unlike the company’s original TS009, the TS009H can be banked. The focus of the product was not to merely produce a mailbox that ticked the standard, but complies with the TS009:2019 Standards, and is also lighter in weight, more affordable and has maximum security through a clever design.
The TS009H is a heavy-duty robust mailbox that can be wall mounted and banked. It’s a long-lasting mailbox that has 8-point locking options protecting consumers’ mail and identity. The 8-point locking door is fitted with a Union Key Prime Lock Certified to EN1303:2015 for extra security. Similar to the original TS009 the TS009H features anti-theft features of the mailbox ensuring that mail cannot be ‘fished’ out of the aperture.
The TS009H is a very versatile product and the company’s first secured-by-design mailbox that can be wall mounted and banked together. These mailboxes are also suitable for internal and external use giving contractors and designs more freedom into creating a secure mail area for their residents. The mailboxes can also be customised by polyester powder coating and adding identification tags.
The Safety Letterbox company is the only business to have two Secured by Design mailboxes that meet the TS009 standard.
Alison Orrells CEO and Managing Director of The Safety Letterbox Company said: “The Safety Letterbox Company TS009 horizontal mailbox is designed to produce a bankable Secured by Design product suitable for arranging in multiples for on or in the wall and freestanding. It provides the ultimate security with multiple hidden measures, rigorously tested and 3rd party certified by Certisecure, all whilst maintaining the appearance of an understated mailbox. We are proud to launch this product to the market, created with a firm understanding of the commercial needs in our market, coupled with the primary function of designing out crime. 100% manufactured in the UK”.
Keith Jones – Technical Operations Manager of The Safety Letterbox Company added: “The TS009h follows in the footsteps of our TS009v mailbox, the new horizontal version can be stacked vertically and horizontally to form banks of mailboxes. It has passed the same rigorous physical testing as the original model and is fully certified.”

Police Crime Prevention Initiatives (Police CPI) is a police owned organisation which delivers a wide range of crime prevention and demand reduction initiatives across the UK. The extensive Police CPI portfolio covers a variety of crime prevention initiatives, of which Secured by Design is the most well-known, with all initiatives designed to keep the public safe from crime and to reduce the demand on the police service. Secured by Design (SBD) operates an accreditation scheme on behalf of the UK Police Service for products or services that have met recognised security standards. These products or services – which must be capable of deterring or preventing crime – are known as being of a ‘Police Preferred Specification’

Article: Safety Letterbox Company wins SBD standard - published over 2 years ago.

Published: 2022 09 30 09:49:44
Received: 2022 09 30 09:53:31
Feed: Security Journal UK
Source: Security Journal UK
Category: Security
Topic: Security
Views: 4

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