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Cyber Tzar

provide a

cyber security risk management

platform; including automated penetration tests and risk assesments culminating in a "cyber risk score" out of 1,000, just like a credit score.


published on 2022-10-06 01:52:59 UTC by
本ウェビナーでは、脆弱性管理クラウド「yamory」とAWSのサービスを組み合わせ、脆弱性チェックを開発パイプラインに組み込んだDevSecOpsの導入方法をお伝えし ...
Article: 【AWS協力】はじめてのDevSecOpsハンズオンウェビナー:時事ドットコム - published over 2 years ago.

Published: 2022 10 06 01:52:59
Received: 2022 10 06 02:53:16
Feed: Google Alert - devsecops
Source: Google Alert
Category: News
Topic: DevSecOps
Views: 5

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