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Datcom become first East Midlands MSP to receive our Security Awareness Training

published on 2022-11-17 16:05:14 UTC by

Datcom, a Managed Service Provider with offices in Grantham and Lincoln, have become the first MSP in the East Midlands region to receive our Security Awareness Training.

Security Awareness Training is a service offered to businesses by the EMCRC using the recently introduced Cyber Path programme which uses students in full-time higher education who want to help shore up the nation’s defences against cybercrime and gain vital experience in a commercial setting.

Developed by the National Cyber Resilience Centre Group (NCRCG) in partnership with the regional Cyber Resilience Centre (CRC) network, the programme gives young people the opportunity to work alongside senior Security Practitioners to deliver affordable and high-quality cyber resilience services to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

On November 16, Datcom - who recently partnered with the EMCRC - became the first Managed Service Provider to benefit from this new programme, with 10 of their staff receiving the training at their Grantham office, overseen by Detective Inspector Colin Ellis, the new EMCRC Police Delivery Lead.

Hannah Sang, Commercial Director for Datcom, who deliver Fully Managed IT to businesses across the UK, said:

“Colin and Savva, who delivered the training, have been amazing today. The presentation, content, delivery, human touch, technical and industry knowledge came through in spades, and the staff have all been very positive about it.
“It’s a 10 out of 10, full marks from me.”

DI Ellis, who went along not only to represent the EMCRC but to support the delivery of the training, added:

“Working with DATCOM has been really refreshing.They are a signed-up member here at the East Midlands Cyber Resilience Centre because they fully appreciate the need to educate their clients and their own staff around cyber security.
“It does not matter which sector people work in - cyber security is everyone’s responsibility to better protect themselves, as well as their business. Sign up as a free member and learn more about what’s out there to help you and your organisation.”

Datcom will receive their next Security Awareness Training (SAT) before the end of the year. This will cover the remainder of the team and ensure every staff member has had the training.

The EMCRC and Datcom look forward to working together in 2023 to empower East Midland businesses to tackle cyber-crime.

The EMCRC has delivered this service in the past, but Datcom are not only the first MSP to receive the training, but the first company to benefit from the revamped Cyber Path programme.

As part of the programme, each CRC works closely with local universities to handpick the top tier of students with an interest in cyber resilience.

Working under the guidance of experienced specialists, the students deliver a range of services using industry standard tools and techniques to help SMEs better protect themselves and their supply chain against cybercrime.

Among the services offered are Security Awareness Training, First Step Web Assessment and Security Policy Reviews.

Employees are a company's greatest asset. With Security Awareness Training, they can also become highly effective barriers to cyber-crime.

The training helps staff understand their working environment, giving them the confidence to speak up when something doesn’t look right.

To discuss Security Awareness Training with us and to see how we can help your business, contact us and we’ll get back to you with a quote or a recommendation of a membership package which includes the training as an offered service.

Read more about Security Awareness Training in our previous blogs


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Article: Datcom become first East Midlands MSP to receive our Security Awareness Training - published over 2 years ago.

Published: 2022 11 17 16:05:14
Received: 2022 11 30 12:44:49
Feed: The Cyber Resilience Centre for the East Midlands
Source: National Cyber Resilience Centre Group
Category: News
Topic: Cyber Security
Views: 5

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