The cyber threat employees face the most at work is Phishing attacks, where hackers attempt to steal data from individuals and organisations.
To help stay protected from phishing attacks, it's pivotal that you (reading this) and all your colleagues/staff members know how cyber attackers are operating and remain alert when you notice a suspicious message in your inbox.
Developing good habits online can drastically reduce your chances of becoming a victim of phishing; these habits include:
We offer a ,free membership package to help you guard your business against cyber-attacks. It is hassle-free and doesn't commit you to anything you'll later be charged for.
Does your business want to raise your staff's awareness of phishing emails? Training your employees on what a phishing attack looks like makes them more likely to identify and report scams. We recommend conducting a ,Simulated Phishing Exercise, this guards your business against the growing trend of social-engineering threats.
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