Somewhere in the next few hours from publishing this post, I'll finally push the HIBP domain search changes live. I've been speaking about it a lot in these videos over recent weeks so many of you have already know what it entails, but it's the tip of the iceberg you've seen publicly. This is the culmination of 7 months of work to get this model right with a ridiculous amount of background effort having gone into it. Case in point: read my pain from last night about converting thousands of words of lawyer speak T&Cs from Microsoft Word to HTML. As if preparing these wasn't painful enough, trying to make them simply play nice on a web page has been a nightmare! (I settled for dumping stuff in a <pre> tag for now and will invest the time in doing it right later on.)
I hope you enjoy this week's video, I'll talk much more about the domain search bits in the next video, hopefully following a successful launch!
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