Hanwha Vision has launched the PNO-A9311RLP, a 4K AI bullet camera with 31x zoom and the intelligent traffic solution Wisenet Road AI.
Eyewitness accounts, particularly with regards to vehicle licence number plates, can quite often be inaccurate or incomplete.
To aid investigating teams when searching footage of a vehicle involved in an incident, they have the ability to search for vehicles by:
Additionally, with criminals frequently swapping the licence number on vehicles to avoid ANPR, police can use make, model and colour search criteria to cross-reference against reports of stolen vehicles or vehicles involved in an incident.
The camera has an IR viewable length of 70 metres so licence plates, as well as the make and model of cars can be easily identified in dark scenes.
The zoom lens enables operators to see the finer details of a vehicle for identification assistance.
John Lutz Boorman, Head of Product and Marketing, Hanwha Vision Europe commented: “The PNO-A9311RLP is a powerful camera for ensuring smooth traffic flows in busy areas.
“Edge-based Wisenet Road AI provides invaluable contextual information to improve incident responses and investigations, enhancing road safety and traffic efficiency throughout the day,” Boorman concluded.
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