You know when you're really jet lagged and really tired and the cogs in your head are just moving that little bit too slow? That's me right now, and the penny has just dropped that a Mailchimp phish has grabbed my credentials, logged into my account and exported the mailing list for this blog. I'm deliberately keeping this post very succinct to ensure the message goes out to my impacted subscribers ASAP, then I'll update the post with more details. But as a quick summary, I woke up in London this morning to the following:
I went to the link which is on and entered my credentials which - crucially - did not auto-complete from 1Password. I then entered the OTP and the page hung. Moments later, the penny dropped, and I logged onto the official website, which Mailchimp confirmed via a notification email which showed my London IP address:
I immediately changed my password, but not before I got an alert about my mailing list being exported from an IP address in New York:
And, moments after that, the login alert from the same IP:
This was obviously highly automated and designed to immediately export the list before the victim could take preventative measures.
There are approximately 16k records in that export containing info Mailchimp automatically collects and they appear as follows:
[redacted],Weekly,,2,"2024-04-13 22:03:08",160.154.[redacted].[redacted],"2024-04-13 22:00:50",160.154.[redacted].[redacted],5.[redacted lat],'-4.[redacted long],0,0,Africa/Abidjan,CI,AB,"2024-04-13 22:03:08",130912487,3452386287,,
Every active subscriber on my list will shortly receive an email notification by virtue of this blog post going out. Unfortunately, the export also includes people who've unsubscribed (why does Mailchimp keep these?!) so I'll need to work out how to handle those ones separately. I've been in touch with Mailchimp but don't have a reply yet, I'll update this post with more info when I have it.
I'm enormously frustrated with myself for having fallen for this, and I apologise to anyone on that list. Obviously, watch out for spam or further phishes and whck back here or via the social channels in the nav bar above for more. Ironically, I'm in London visiting government partners, and I spent a couple of hours with the National Cyber Security Centre yesterday talking about how we can better promote passkeys, in part due to their phishing-resistant nature. 🤦♂️
More soon, I've hit the publish button on this 34 mins after the time stamp in that first email above.
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