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Definitive Dossier of Devilish Debug Details – Part Deux: A Didactic Deep Dive into Data Driven Deductions

published on 2019-10-17 15:30:00 UTC by Matt Berninger

In Part One of this blog series, Steve Miller outlined what PDB paths are, how they appear in malware, how we use them to detect malicious files, and how we sometimes use them to make associations about groups and actors.

As Steve continued his research into PDB paths, we became interested in applying more general statistical analysis. The PDB path as an artifact poses an intriguing use case for a couple of reasons.

­First, the PDB artifact is not directly tied to the functionality of the binary. As a byproduct of the compilation process, it contains information about the development environment, and by proxy, the malware author themselves. Rarely do we encounter static malware features with such an interesting tie to the human behind the keyboard, rather than the functionality of the file.

Second, file paths are an incredibly complex artifact with many different possible encodings. We had personally been dying to find an excuse to spend more time figuring out how to parse and encode paths in a more useful way. This presented an opportunity to dive into this space and test different approaches to representing file paths in various models.

The objectives of our project were:

  1. Build a large data set of PDB paths and apply some statistical methods to find potentially new signature terms and logic.
  2. Investigate whether applying machine learning classification approaches to this problem could improve our detection above writing hand-crafted signatures.
  3. Build a PDB classifier as a weak signal for binary analysis.

To start, we began gathering data. Our dataset, pulled from internal and external sources, started with over 200,000 samples. Once we deduplicated by PDB path, we had around 50,000 samples. Next, we needed to consistently label these samples, so we considered various labeling schemes.

Labeling Binaries With PDB Paths

For many of the binaries we had internal FireEye labels, and for others we looked up hashes on VirusTotal (VT) to have a look at their detection rates. This covered the majority of our samples. For a relatively small subset we had disagreements between our internal engine and VT results, which merited a slightly more nuanced policy. The disagreement was most often that our internal assessment determined a file to be benign, but the VT results showed a nonzero percentage of vendors detecting the file as malicious. In these cases we plotted the ‘VT ratio”: that is, the percentage of vendors labeling the files as malicious (Figure 1).

Figure 1: Ratio of vendors calling file bad/total number of vendors

The vast majority of these samples had VT detection ratios below 0.3, and in those cases we labeled the binaries as benign. For the remainder of samples we tried two strategies – marking them all as malicious, or removing them from the training set entirely. Our classification performance did not change much between these two policies, so in the end we scrapped the remainder of the samples to reduce label noise.

Building Features

Next, we had to start building features. This is where the fun began. Looking at dozens and dozens of PDB paths, we simply started recording various things that ‘pop out’ to an analyst. As noted earlier, a file path contains tons of implicit information, beyond simply being a string-based artifact. Some analogies we have found useful is that a file path is more akin to a geographical location in its representation of a location on the file system, or like a sentence in that it reflects a series of dependent items.

To further illustrate this point, consider a simple file path such as:

C:\Users\World\Desktop\duck\Zbw138ht2aeja2.pdb (source file)

This path tells us several things:

  • This software was compiled on the system drive of the computer
  • In a user profile, under user ‘World’
  • The project is managed on the Desktop, in a folder called ‘duck’
  • The filename has a high degree of entropy and is not very easy to remember

In contrast, consider something such as:

D:\VSCORE5\BUILD\VSCore\release\EntVUtil.pdb (source file)

This indicates:

  • Compilation on an external or secondary drive
  • Within a non-user directory
  • Contains development terms such as ‘BUILD’ and ‘release’
  • With a sensible, semi-memorable file name

These differences seem relatively straightforward and make intuitive sense as to why one might be representative of malware development whereas the other represents a more “legitimate-looking” development environment.

Feature Representations

How do we represent these differences to a model? The easiest and most obvious option is to calculate some statistics on each path. Features such as folder depth, path length, entropy, and counting things such as numbers, letters, and special characters in the PDB filename are easy to compute.

However, upon evaluation against our dataset, these features did not help to separate the classes very well. The following are some graphics detailing the distributions of these features between our classes of malicious and benign samples:

While there is potentially some separation between benign and malicious distributions, these features alone would likely not lead to an effective classifier (we tried). Additionally, we couldn’t easily translate these differences into explicit detection rules. There was more information in the paths that we needed to extract, so we began to look at how to encode the directory names themselves.


As with any dataset, we had to undertake some steps to normalize the paths. For example, the occurrence of individual usernames, while perhaps interesting from an intelligence perspective, would be represented as distinct entities when in fact they have the same semantic meaning. Thus, we had to detect and replace usernames with <username> to normalize this representation. Other folder idiosyncrasies such as version numbers or randomly generated directories could similarly be normalized into <version> or <random>.

A typical normalized path might therefore go from this:

C:\Users\jsmith\Documents\Visual Studio 2013\Projects\mkzyu91952\mkzyu91952\obj\x86\Debug\mkzyu91952.pdb

To this:

c:\users\<username>\documents\visual studio 2013\projects\<random>\<random>\obj\x86\debug\mkzyu91952.pdb

You may notice that the PDB filename itself was not normalized. In this case we wanted to derive features from the filename itself, so we left it. Other approaches could be to normalize it, or even to make note that the same filename string ‘mkzyu91952’ appears earlier in the path. There are endless possible features when dealing with file paths.

Directory Analysis

Once we had normalized directories, we could start to “tokenize” each directory term, to start performing some statistical analysis. Our main goal of this analysis was to see if there were any directory terms that highly corresponded to maliciousness, or see if there were any simple combinations, such as pairs or triplets, that exhibited similar behavior.

We did not find any single directory name that easily separated the classes. That would be too easy. However, we did find some general correlations with directories such as “Desktop” being somewhat more likely to be malicious, and use of shared drives such as Z: to be more indicative of a benign file. This makes intuitive sense given the more collaborative environment a “legitimate” software development process might require. There are, of course, many exceptions and this is what makes the problem tricky.

Another strong signal we found, at least in our dataset, is that when the word “Desktop” was in a non-English language and particularly in a different alphabet, the likelihood of that PDB path being tied to a malicious file was very high (Figure 2). While potentially useful, this can be indicative of geographical bias in our dataset, and further research would need to be done to see if this type of signature would generalize.

Figure 2: Unicode desktop folders from malicious samples

Various Tokenizing Schemes

In recording the directories of a file path, there are several ways you can represent the path. Let’s use this path to illustrate these different approaches:

c:\Leave\smell\Long\ruleThis.pdb (file)

Bag of Words

One very simple way is the “bag-of-words” approach, which simply treats the path as the distinct set of directory names it contains. Therefore, the aforementioned path would be represented as:


Positional Analysis

Another approach we considered was recording the position of each directory name, as a distance from the drive. This retained more information about depth, such that a ‘build’ directory on the desktop would be treated differently than a ‘build’ directory nine directories further down. For this purpose, we excluded the drives since they would always have the same depth.


N-Gram Analysis

Finally, we explored breaking paths into n-grams; that is, as a distinct set of n- adjacent directories. For example, a 2-gram representation of this path might look like:


We tested each of these approaches and while positional analysis and n-grams contained more information, in the end, bag-of-words seemed to generalize best. Additionally, using the bag-of-words approach made it easier to extract simple signature logic from the resultant models, as will be shown in a later section.

Term Co-Occurrence

Since we had the bag-of-words vectors created for each path, we were also able to evaluate term co-occurrence across benign and malicious files. When we evaluated the co-occurrence of pairs of terms, we found some other interesting pairings that indeed paint two very different pictures of development environments (Figure 3).

Correlated with Malicious Files

Correlated with Benign Files

users, desktop

src, retail

documents, visual studio 2012

obj, x64

local, temporary projects

src, x86

users, projects

src, win32

users, documents

retail, dynamic

appdata, temporary projects

src, amd64

users, x86

src, x64

Figure 3: Correlated pairs with malicious and benign files

Keyword Lists

Our bag-of-words representation of the PDB paths then gave us a distinct set of nearly 70,000 distinct terms. The vast majority of these terms occurred once or twice in the entire dataset, resulting in what is known as a ‘long-tailed’ distribution. Figure 4 is a graph of only the top 100 most common terms in descending order.

Figure 4: Long tailed distribution of term occurrence

As you can see, the counts drop off quickly, and you are left dealing with an enormous amount of terms that may only appear a handful of times. One very simple way to solve this problem, without losing a ton of information, is to simply cut off a keyword list after a certain number of entries. For example, take the top 50 occurring folder names (across both good and bad files), and save them as a keyword list. Then match this list against every path in the dataset. To create features, one-hot encode each match.  

Rather than arbitrarily setting a cutoff, we wanted to know a bit more about the distribution and understand where might be a good place to set a limit – such that we would cover enough of the samples without drastically increasing the number of features for our model. We therefore calculated the cumulative number of samples covered by each term, as we iterated down the list from most common to least common. Figure 5 is a graph showing the result.

Figure 5: Cumulative share of samples covered by distinct terms

As you can see, with only a small fraction of the terms, we can arrive at a significant percentage of the cumulative total PDB paths. Setting a simple cutoff at about 70% of the dataset resulted in roughly 230 terms for our total vocabulary. This gave us enough information about the dataset without blowing up our model with too many features (and therefore, dimensions). One-hot encoding the presence of these terms was then the final step in featurizing the directory names present in the paths.

YARA Signatures Do Grow on Trees

Armed with some statistical features, as well as one-hot encoded keyword matches, we began to train some models on our now-featurized dataset. In doing so, we hoped to use the model training and evaluation process to give us insights into how to build better signatures. If we developed an effective classification model, that would be an added benefit.

We felt that tree-based models made sense for this use case for two reasons. First, tree-based models have worked well in the past in domains requiring a certain amount of interpretability and using a blend of quantitative and categorical features. Second, the features we used are largely things we could represent in a YARA signature. Therefore, if our models built boolean logic branches that separated large numbers of PDB files, we could potentially translate these into signatures. This is not to say that other model families could not be used to build strong classifiers. Many other options ranging from Logistic Regression to Deep Learning could be considered.

We fed our featurized training set into a Decision Tree, having set a couple ‘hyperparameters’ such as max depth and minimum samples per leaf, etc. We were also able to use a sliding scale of these hyperparameters to dynamically create trees and, essentially, see what shook out. Examining a trained decision tree such as the one in Figure 6 allowed us to immediately build new signatures.

Figure 6: Example decision tree and decision paths

We found several other interesting tidbits within our decision trees. Some terms that resulted in completely or almost-completely malicious subgroups are:

Directory Term

Example Hashes









\temporary projects\








We also found the term ‘WindowsApplication1’ to be quite useful. 89% of the files in our dataset containing this directory were malicious. Cursory research indicates that this is the default directory generated when using Visual Studio to compile a Windows binary. Once again, this makes some intuitive sense for finding malware authors. Training and evaluating decision trees with various parameters turned out to be a hugely productive exercise in discovering potential new signature terms and logic.

Classification Accuracy and Findings

Since we now had a large dataset of PDB paths and features, we wanted to see if we could train a traditional classifier to separate good files from bad. Using a Random Forest with some tuning, we were able to achieve an average accuracy of 87% over 10 cross validations. However, while our recall (the percentage of bad things we could identify with the model) was relatively high at 89%, our malware precision (the share of those things we called bad that were actually bad) was far too low, hovering at or below 50%. This indicates that using this model alone for malware detection would result in an unacceptably large number of false positives, were we to deploy it in the wild as a singular detection platform. However, used in conjunction with other tools, this could be a useful weak signal to assist with analysis.

Conclusion and Next Steps

While our journey of statistical PDB analysis did not yield a magic malware classifier, it did yield a number of useful findings that we were hoping for:

  1. We developed several file path feature functions which are transferable to other models under development.
  2. By diving into statistical analysis of the dataset, we were able to identify new keywords and logic branches to include in YARA signatures. These signatures have since been deployed and discovered new malware samples.
  3. We answered a number of our own general research questions about PDB paths, and were able to dispel some theories we had not fully tested with data.

While building an independent classifier was not the primary goal, improvements can surely be made to improve the end model accuracy. Generating an even larger, more diverse dataset would likely make the biggest impact on our accuracy, recall, and precision. Further hyperparameter tuning and feature engineering could also help. There is a large amount of established research into text classification using various deep learning methods such as LSTMs, which could be applied effectively to a larger dataset.

PDB paths are only one small family of file paths that we encounter in the field of cyber security. Whether in initial infection, staging, or another part of the attack lifecycle, the file paths found during forensic analysis can reveal incredibly useful information about adversary activity. We look forward to further community research on how to properly extract and represent that information.

Article: Definitive Dossier of Devilish Debug Details – Part Deux: A Didactic Deep Dive into Data Driven Deductions - published over 5 years ago.

Published: 2019 10 17 15:30:00
Received: 2021 11 03 23:00:22
Feed: FireEye Blog
Source: FireEye Blog
Category: Cyber Security
Topic: Cyber Security
Views: 6

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