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SMBSR: Automated SMB Enumeration and Secrets finder. python script which given a CIDR/IP/IP_file/HOSTNAME(s) enumerates all the SMB services listening (445) among the targets; if the authentication succeed then all the folders and subfolders are visited recursively in order to find secrets in files.

published on 2021-11-10 18:09:39 UTC by /u/oldboy21
Article: SMBSR: Automated SMB Enumeration and Secrets finder. python script which given a CIDR/IP/IP_file/HOSTNAME(s) enumerates all the SMB services listening (445) among the targets; if the authentication succeed then all the folders and subfolders are visited recursively in order to find secrets in files. - published over 3 years ago.

Published: 2021 11 10 18:09:39
Received: 2021 11 10 20:04:03
Feed: /r/netsec - Information Security News and Discussion
Source: /r/netsec - Information Security News and Discussion
Category: Cyber Security
Topic: Cyber Security
Views: 3

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