Pentura continually develop new tools and scripts to improve the effectiveness of the team. One such tool called SNMPPLUX is an offshoot of a larger development project (ORR).
SNMPPLUX is a USM compliant SNMPv1, SNMPv2c and SNMPv3 authentication scanner powered by pysnmp, re, sys, getopt, array, time and multiprocessing python modules.
As well as providing SNMPv1 and v2c community dictionary attacks is will also provide username and password dictionary attacks for SNMPv3 for the following authentication types:
• SNMPv3 Auth None
• SNMPv3 Auth MD5 Priv None
• SNMPv3 Auth MD5 Priv DES
• SNMPv3 Auth SHA Priv AES128
• SNMPv3 Auth SHA Priv AES192
• SNMPv3 Auth SHA Priv AES256
• SNMPv3 Auth SHA Priv DES
• SNMPv3 Auth SHA Priv 3DES
Whilst multiprocessing is currently used to speed up testing with parallel processes the future plans. A library version of this code is also utilised as part of the ORR project.
Screenshot showing example operation The current source code for this tool is included below on an as is basis. It may need to be reformatted to remove syntax and indenting errors introduced by providing the source in this format. Please see the License/Disclaimer below before using this software:
The source can also be downloaded from github: source-------------------------------- from pysnmp.hlapi import * import re import sys, getopt from array import * import time from multiprocessing import Pool def banner(): print ('.') print (' / _____/ \ \ / \\______ \______ \ | | | \ \/ /') print (' \_____ \ / | \ / \ / \| ___/| ___/ | | | /\ / ') print (' / \/ | \/ Y \ | | | | |___| | / / \ ') print ('/_______ /\____|__ /\____|__ /____| |____| |_______ \______/ /___/\ \ ') print (' \/ \/ \/ \/ \_/') print (' ') print ('Liam Romanis') print ('version 0.3b - beta testing') print ('') print ('.') def opts(argv): inputfile = '' userfile = '' passfile = '' try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, 'i:u:p:h', ['ifile=', 'ufile=','pfile=','help']) except getopt.GetoptError: print (' -i <inputfile> -u <userfile> -p <passfile> ') sys.exit(2) for opt, arg in opts: if opt == '-h': print (' -i <inputfile> -u <userfile> -p <passfile> ') sys.exit() elif opt in ('-i', '--ifile'): inputfile = arg elif opt in ('-u', '--ufile'): userfile = arg elif opt in ('-p', '--pfile'): passfile = arg return inputfile, userfile, passfile def snmp1dict(ip, comm): errorIndication, errorStatus, errorIndex, varBinds = next(getCmd(SnmpEngine(),CommunityData(comm, mpModel=0),UdpTransportTarget((ip, 161)),ContextData(),ObjectType(ObjectIdentity('')))) if errorIndication: pass elif errorStatus: pass else: print ("SNMPv1: %s: Community:%s" %(ip,comm)) def snmp2dict(ip, comm): errorIndication, errorStatus, errorIndex, varBinds = next(getCmd(SnmpEngine(),CommunityData(comm),UdpTransportTarget((ip, 161)),ContextData(),ObjectType(ObjectIdentity('')))) if errorIndication: pass elif errorStatus: pass else: print ("SNMPv2: %s: Community:%s" %(ip,comm)) def snmp3_authNone_privNone(ip, user): errorIndication, errorStatus, errorIndex, varBinds = next(getCmd(SnmpEngine(),UsmUserData(user),UdpTransportTarget((ip, 161)),ContextData(),ObjectType(ObjectIdentity('SNMPv2-MIB', 'sysDescr', 0)))) if errorIndication: pass elif errorStatus: pass else: print ("SNMPv3 Auth None Priv None: %s: %s - no pass required\n" %(ip, user)) def snmp3_authMD5_privNone(ip, user, passwd): user = user.strip() passwd = passwd.strip() try: errorIndication, errorStatus, errorIndex, varBinds = next(getCmd(SnmpEngine(),UsmUserData(user, passwd),UdpTransportTarget((ip, 161)),ContextData(),ObjectType(ObjectIdentity('SNMPv2-MIB', 'sysDescr', 0)))) if errorIndication: pass elif errorStatus: pass else: print ("SNMPv3 Auth MD5 Priv None: %s: %s:%s" % (ip, user, passwd)) except: print ('exception caused by: %s:%s' % (user,passwd)) pass def snmp3_authMD5_privDES(ip, user, passwd): user = user.strip() passwd = passwd.strip() try: errorIndication, errorStatus, errorIndex, varBinds = next(getCmd(SnmpEngine(),UsmUserData(user, passwd, passwd),UdpTransportTarget((ip, 161)),ContextData(),ObjectType(ObjectIdentity('SNMPv2-MIB', 'sysDescr', 0)))) if errorIndication: pass elif errorStatus: pass else: sys.stdout.flush() print ("SNMPv3 Auth MD5 Priv DES: %s: %s:%s" % (ip,user,passwd)) except: print ('exception caused by: %s:%s' % (user,passwd)) pass def snmp3_authSHA_privAES128(ip,user,passwd): user = user.strip() passwd = passwd.strip() try: errorIndication, errorStatus, errorIndex, varBinds = next(getCmd(SnmpEngine(),UsmUserData(user, passwd, passwd, authProtocol=usmHMACSHAAuthProtocol, privProtocol=usmAesCfb128Protocol), UdpTransportTarget((ip, 161)),ContextData(),ObjectType(ObjectIdentity('SNMPv2-MIB', 'sysDescr', 0)))) if errorIndication: pass elif errorStatus: pass else: print ("SNMPv3 Auth SHA Priv AES128: %s:%s:auth:usmHMACSHAAuthProtocol:priv:usmAesCfb128Protocol" % (user,passwd)) except: print ('exception caused by: %s:%s:usmHMACSHAAuthProtocol:usmAesCfb128Protocol' % (user,passwd)) pass def snmp3_authSHA_privAES192(ip,user,passwd): user = user.strip() passwd = passwd.strip() try: errorIndication, errorStatus, errorIndex, varBinds = next(getCmd(SnmpEngine(),UsmUserData(user, passwd, passwd, authProtocol=usmHMACSHAAuthProtocol, privProtocol=usmAesCfb192Protocol), UdpTransportTarget((ip, 161)),ContextData(),ObjectType(ObjectIdentity('SNMPv2-MIB', 'sysDescr', 0)))) if errorIndication: pass elif errorStatus: pass else: print ("SNMPv3 Auth SHA Priv AES192: %s:%s:auth:usmHMACSHAAuthProtocol:priv:usmAesCfb192Protocol" % (user,passwd)) except: print ('exception caused by: %s:%s:usmHMACSHAAuthProtocol:usmAesCfb192Protocol' % (user,passwd)) pass def snmp3_authSHA_privAES256(ip,user,passwd): user = user.strip() passwd = passwd.strip() try: errorIndication, errorStatus, errorIndex, varBinds = next(getCmd(SnmpEngine(),UsmUserData(user, passwd, passwd, authProtocol=usmHMACSHAAuthProtocol, privProtocol=usmAesCfb256Protocol), UdpTransportTarget((ip, 161)),ContextData(),ObjectType(ObjectIdentity('SNMPv2-MIB', 'sysDescr', 0)))) if errorIndication: pass elif errorStatus: pass else: print ("SNMPv3 Auth SHA Priv AES256: %s:%s:auth:usmHMACSHAAuthProtocol:priv:usmAesCfb256Protocol" % (user,passwd)) except: print ('exception caused by: %s:%s:usmHMACSHAAuthProtocol:usmAesCfb256Protocol' % (user,passwd)) pass def snmp3_authSHA_privDES(ip,user,passwd): user = user.strip() passwd = passwd.strip() try: errorIndication, errorStatus, errorIndex, varBinds = next(getCmd(SnmpEngine(),UsmUserData(user, passwd, passwd, authProtocol=usmHMACSHAAuthProtocol, privProtocol=usmDESPrivProtocol), UdpTransportTarget((ip, 161)),ContextData(),ObjectType(ObjectIdentity('SNMPv2-MIB', 'sysDescr', 0)))) if errorIndication: pass elif errorStatus: pass else: print ("SNMPv3 Auth SHA Priv DES: %s:%s:auth:usmHMACSHAAuthProtocol:priv:usmDESPrivProtocol" % (user,passwd)) except: print ('exception caused by: %s:%s:usmHMACSHAAuthProtocol:usmDESPrivProtocol' % (user,passwd)) pass def snmp3_authSHA_priv3DES(ip,user,passwd): user = user.strip() passwd = passwd.strip() try: errorIndication, errorStatus, errorIndex, varBinds = next(getCmd(SnmpEngine(),UsmUserData(user, passwd, passwd, authProtocol=usmHMACSHAAuthProtocol, privProtocol=usm3DESEDEPrivProtocol), UdpTransportTarget((ip, 161)),ContextData(),ObjectType(ObjectIdentity('SNMPv2-MIB', 'sysDescr', 0)))) if errorIndication: pass elif errorStatus: pass else: print ("SNMPv3 Auth SHA Priv 3DES: %s:%s:auth:usmHMACSHAAuthProtocol:priv:usm3DESEDEPrivProtocol" % (user,passwd)) except: print ('exception caused by: %s:%s:usmHMACSHAAuthProtocol:usm3DESEDEPrivProtocol' % (user,passwd)) pass def snmp12_helper(args): return snmp1dict(*args), snmp2dict(*args) def snmp3none_helper(args): return snmp3_authNone_privNone(*args) def snmp3md5none_helper(args): return snmp3_authMD5_privNone(*args), snmp3_authMD5_privDES(*args) def snmp3shaaes_helper(args): return snmp3_authSHA_privAES128(*args), snmp3_authSHA_privAES192(*args), snmp3_authSHA_privAES256(*args), snmp3_authSHA_privDES(*args), snmp3_authSHA_priv3DES(*args) if __name__ == "__main__": banner() inputfile, userfile, passfile = opts(sys.argv[1:]) with open(inputfile, "r") as ins: targs = [] for line in ins: line = line.replace("\n", "") targs.append(line) with open(userfile, "r") as ins: users= [] for line in ins: line = line.replace("\n", "") users.append(line) with open(passfile, "r") as ins: passwords = [] for line in ins: if (len(line) > 8): line = line.replace("\n", "") passwords.append(line) with open("dict.txt", "r") as ins: communities = [] for line in ins: line = line.replace("\n", "") communities.append(line) p = Pool(20) job1_args = [(ip, comm) for comm in communities for ip in targs], job1_args) job2_args = [(ip, user) for user in users for ip in targs], job1_args) job3_args = [(ip, user, passwd) for ip in targs for user in users for passwd in passwords], job3_args) job4_args = [(ip, user, passwd) for ip in targs for user in users for passwd in passwords], job4_args)
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