Article: Access backtrack from remote computer using ssh & vnc. - published over 11 years ago. Content: If you want to access your local computer through remote computer ; first you need configure ssh daemon .Because nowadays people are not using telnet due to plain text protocol. How to configure ssh in Backtrack 5 r3? (1)First we have to generate ssh key.So type following in terminal. ssh-keygen It will generate public/private rsa key pair.By default ... Published: 2013 08 29 11:51:00 Received: 2024 02 20 16:43:02 Feed: Hacking and Tricks Source: Hacking and Tricks Category: Cyber Security Topic: Cyber Security |
Article: Android Malware Spreads Via KIK - published over 11 years ago. Content: So. I was casually browsing twitter and spam account told me to her on kik. Me been the inquisitive person I am and with the boom in android malware (kik can run on android) I decided to see what the bot would tell me to download. (Bot telling me to download) sorry for the inappropriate language but its crucial.First time the link le... Published: 2013 08 28 17:55:00 Received: 2021 06 06 09:05:03 Feed: Trojan7Malware Source: Trojan7Malware Category: Cyber Security Topic: Cyber Security |
Article: NYT and Twitter hack wasn't that bad after all. - published over 11 years ago. Content: Recently, the Syrian Electronic Army or SEA as they're commonly known as hijacked the DNS's of NYT and Twitter. They edited the front page of New York Times website to display a message and a image. This quickly became the top trend worldwide on twitter and everybody who's anybody knew about SEA and the hack. I'm sure many people in NYT office ran around lik... Published: 2013 08 28 14:55:00 Received: 2023 12 01 16:22:31 Feed: Trojan7Malware Source: Trojan7Malware Category: Cyber Security Topic: Cyber Security |
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Article: NYT and Twitter hack wasn't that bad after all. - published over 11 years ago. Content: Recently, the Syrian Electronic Army or SEA as they're commonly known as hijacked the DNS's of NYT and Twitter. They edited the front page of New York Times website to display a message and a image. This quickly became the top trend worldwide on twitter and everybody who's anybody knew about SEA and the hack. I'm sure many people in NYT office ran around lik... Published: 2013 08 28 14:55:00 Received: 2021 06 06 09:05:03 Feed: Trojan7Malware Source: Trojan7Malware Category: Cyber Security Topic: Cyber Security |
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Article: Did It Execute? - published over 11 years ago. Content: You found a malicious executable! Now you've got a crucial question to answer: did the file execute? We'll discuss a few sources of evidence you can use to answer this question. In this post, we will focus on static or "dead drive" forensics on Windows systems. We will cover four main sources of evidence: Windows Prefetch, Registry, Lo... Published: 2013 08 27 22:26:05 Received: 2021 06 06 09:05:12 Feed: FireEye Blog Source: FireEye Blog Category: Cyber Security Topic: Cyber Security |
Article: Exploit Oracle Endeca Server with metasploit. - published over 11 years ago. Content: This module exploits a command injection vulnerability on the Oracle Endeca Server 7.4.0. The vulnerability exists on the createDataStore method from the controlSoapBinding web service. The vulnerable method only exists on the 7.4.0 branch and isn't available on the branch. On the other hand, the injection has been found to be Windows specific. T... Published: 2013 08 27 07:51:00 Received: 2024 02 20 16:43:02 Feed: Hacking and Tricks Source: Hacking and Tricks Category: Cyber Security Topic: Cyber Security |
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Article: How to get plain text source from shc compiled bash script? - published over 11 years ago. Content: Shc is used to protect your shell script from modification or inspection. If you created bash script want to distribute it , but dono`t want them to easily readble by other people , then you can use it. First we see how to compiled bash script to binary? wget tar -xvzf shc-3.8.7.tgz cd ... Published: 2013 08 25 07:39:00 Received: 2024 02 20 16:43:02 Feed: Hacking and Tricks Source: Hacking and Tricks Category: Cyber Security Topic: Cyber Security |
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Article: Why Did I Quit? - published over 11 years ago. Content: I decided to write this post after been asked this question at least 5 times a day. I'm going to explain why,in detail I quit. What did I do?During my time as a blackhat I was part of several "gangs". My main role was social engineer/vulnerability hunter. I'd find exploits in applications like java,flash and windows and then sell/use them for my teams gains.... Published: 2013 08 24 13:34:00 Received: 2021 06 06 09:05:04 Feed: Trojan7Malware Source: Trojan7Malware Category: Cyber Security Topic: Cyber Security |
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Article: Post exploitation & swaparoo backdoor. - published over 11 years ago. Content: Today we are going to create valid RDP user in victim pc using two method. (1)As usual get meterpreter session of victim using metasploit.We need system privilege So use getsystem .(getsystem will work in xp. But if victim has windows 7 than you have to use bypassuac module;it will work if victim has admin provilage.But most of time detecetd by AV. So you ... Published: 2013 08 23 15:25:00 Received: 2024 02 20 16:43:02 Feed: Hacking and Tricks Source: Hacking and Tricks Category: Cyber Security Topic: Cyber Security |
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Article: Post exploitation using Nishang. - published over 11 years ago. Content: Nishang is a framework and collection of scripts and payloads which enables usage of PowerShell for offensive security and post exploitation during Penetraion Tests. The scripts are written on the basis of requirement by the author during real Penetration Tests. This framework is written by Nikhil Mittal who is also author of Kautilya framework.For more i... Published: 2013 08 21 16:21:00 Received: 2024 02 20 16:43:02 Feed: Hacking and Tricks Source: Hacking and Tricks Category: Cyber Security Topic: Cyber Security |
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Article: Why Small Business's Should Be Serious About Hackers - published over 11 years ago. Content: I decided to write this blog post after I contacted a local business about a serious vulnerability (SQLi). The company is a luxury boat reseller. You simply select your boat and "checkout". The website handles Credit cards (CC) so SQLi is a incredibly dangerous vulnerability. I reported the vulnerability and I received no response. So I decided to take act... Published: 2013 08 20 12:31:00 Received: 2023 12 01 16:22:31 Feed: Trojan7Malware Source: Trojan7Malware Category: Cyber Security Topic: Cyber Security |
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Article: Why Small Business's Should Be Serious About Hackers - published over 11 years ago. Content: I decided to write this blog post after I contacted a local business about a serious vulnerability (SQLi). The company is a luxury boat reseller. You simply select your boat and "checkout". The website handles Credit cards (CC) so SQLi is a incredibly dangerous vulnerability. I reported the vulnerability and I received no response. So I decided to take act... Published: 2013 08 20 12:31:00 Received: 2021 06 06 09:05:04 Feed: Trojan7Malware Source: Trojan7Malware Category: Cyber Security Topic: Cyber Security |
Article: How To Hack Any Amazon Account - published over 11 years ago. Content: As always with any blog post on this website I'm not responsible it you get arrested. This method is incredibly easy for fast thinking,clever and experienced social engineers. It's also a good starting method. With this method you'll be able to get full access to a account. This includes the ability to see credit card details,address and order numbers.... Published: 2013 08 18 23:01:00 Received: 2023 03 31 23:02:35 Feed: Trojan7Malware Source: Trojan7Malware Category: Cyber Security Topic: Cyber Security |
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Article: How To Make A Profitable Botnet - published over 11 years ago. Content: This post is purely for educational reasons. If you follow ANY of these steps and get arrested I am not responsible. This tutorial is designed from a theoretical prospective. The world of botnets and blackhats is seriously messed up. Leave your morals at home.Budget:What's your budget? To get a botnet started you'll need a minimal of 1.5k. This will include ... Published: 2013 08 14 15:24:00 Received: 2021 06 06 09:05:04 Feed: Trojan7Malware Source: Trojan7Malware Category: Cyber Security Topic: Cyber Security |
Article: Episode #169: Move Me Maybe - published over 11 years ago. Content: Tim checks the mailbag Carlos IHaveNoLastName writes in asking for a way to move a directory to a new destination. That's easy, but the directory should only be moved if the the directory (at any depth) does NOT contain a file with a specific extenstion. Here is an example of a sample directory structure: SomeTopDir1 |-OtherDir1 | |-File1 | |-File2 | ... Published: 2013 08 06 09:00:00 Received: 2023 03 31 08:44:32 Feed: Command Line Kung Fu Source: Command Line Kung Fu Category: News Topic: Security Tooling |
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