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How To Hack Any Amazon Account

published on 2013-08-18 23:01:00 UTC by Trojan7Malware
As always with any blog post on this website I'm not responsible it you get arrested.

This method is incredibly easy for fast thinking,clever and experienced social engineers. It's also a good starting method.

With this method you'll be able to get full access to a account. This includes the ability to see credit card details,address and order numbers.

Email on the account (you don't need access)
Address (not always asked for)

Ok, so now you've gathered all the crucial information listed above you now need to contact customer support. Phone is the only method that will work as email or live chat support staff can not issue password reset support tokens. I recommend reading over the information at least 20 times as you'll need to be fluent when asked questions.

Step 1:
Initial contact. Whilst the phone is ringing and you're waiting to be connected you will want to head over too fakenamegenerator.com as you will need a credit card number for this too work. Remember, stay calm,collective and intelligent. Using words of a more intellectual vocabulary often confuses the support worker and this buys you time to plan improvise.

The setup:
Not to be sexist but if I end up with a female support worker I have higher chances of a successful hack. At this point you don't want to mention ANYTHING about a password reset as amazon has a flagging system that will cause all sorts of problems later on. You're simply going to ask for another credit card to be added to your account. Provide the email,name and new credit card number to the support worker. This is the major flaw in amazons security. You don't even need to provide a password to add credit cards!!! 

Too much face palm. 
Now, amazon stupidly allows credit cards to be added with almost no identity verification yet considers last 4 digits a proof of ownership method. You may now take this time to facepalm. All you need to do now is call password reset and provide the last 4 digits, a new password and you're in. Now,feel free to proxy around amazon items and get a free computer.

Credits and thanks:
I'm not 100% sure who came up with this exact method but I've added a few tweaks a long the way. Amazon claimed to of "patched" this several years ago (how you patch a social engineering exploit ill never know). Cosmo, a very good friend of mine who you'll most likely know from "UGnaz"i is honestly one of the best social engineers I have ever seen. He publicised this hack by using it to hijack 4chan by hacking into Matthew princes email and changing the DNS of 4chan (was using cloudflare). 

Article: How To Hack Any Amazon Account - published over 11 years ago.

Published: 2013 08 18 23:01:00
Received: 2023 03 31 23:02:35
Feed: Trojan7Malware
Source: Trojan7Malware
Category: Cyber Security
Topic: Cyber Security
Views: 4

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